The MRI doesn't seem too scary. I just know it makes a loud noise and they talk to you through it. And I don't have claustrophobia so I should be fine.
Aizawa is in the room until the MRI begins. Because he probably always wears metal.
But it doesn't bother me, I'd rather be alone.
They put me in a wheelchair, taking me to the room.
We stopped at the door.
"Do you have any metal on you?"
"Not that I'm aware of, no"
"Alright, I'll take your word for it. You shouldn't have any anyways"
I thought back to the surgery. They took the bullets out. I heard them clink on the tray.
We entered the room, Aizawa sat in a chair.
"Hey Aizawa" I said, trying to sound like I wasn't in pain.
"Stop pretending you're not in pain" He said.
"Okay, then I'll just be in the corner of the room, balled up and bleeding everywhere"
"We're giving her a sedative so she doesn't move. The entire process takes about an hour"
"An hour?"
"A sedative?"
I stood up out of the wheelchair.
"I did that once, never again"
"It's not as strong, you'll be able to talk and breathe just as normally"
I sat back down.
"We'll start soon, you'll need to leave"
Aizawa got up and walked out of the room.
"Lay down on this"
I carefully stood up, the nurse helping me.
I sat down on the tray-like thing, laying down on it after I was far back enough.
"We're getting you the sedative now, tell us if you feel any different other than not being able to move"
A needle was inserted into my arm, I winced at the pain.
I tried moving my fingers.
"That was fast"
"It's a fast acting sedative, we use it for things like this"
I stayed completely still as the tray moved.
"Can you hear us?" A voice called out.
"Yeah?" I called back.
"We're getting an abdominal MRI to see any other damage you could have sustained, alright?"
"We're starting now, you've been given a sedative so you don't have to worry about staying still"
I heard loud machine whooshing and knocking.
"Take deep breaths, in and out"
"I'm not claustrophobic, I just don't do well with loud noises"
"That's alright, you can still take deep breaths to calm yourself down"
I took the technicians advice, taking deep breaths.
It didn't help.
As time went by, I noticed a burning sensation was forming in my stomach area.
"Are you alright, Aria? You're breathing pretty hard"
"Yeah, my stomach just hurts"
"Did you get the bullets removed?"
"Yeah, I did, why?"
"Nothing, continue"
Time passes by, ever so slowly.
"We're twenty minutes in, you're doing great"
Only twenty minutes? It's felt like eternity!
"We're thirty minutes in, keep up the good work"
By that point, tears were streaming down my face, I was trying not to cry out loud. 
"Aria, are you still in pain?"
"Yeah, it's worse now" I choked out.
"Can you hold on for the rest of the thirty minutes?"
"I think I can, it just hurts a lot"
"Aria, how many bullets did they remove?"
"I don't remember"
I heard whispering over the intercom.
"Talk to her surgeon. Keep doing the MRI"
I kept on listening to the rhythmic sounds of the machine.
I tried to calm myself down.
Remember the positive things.
Writing articles on diseases
You can play music in your head, can't you? I asked myself.
I can remember some of the songs on my playlist.
Most of them are from the Hamilton musical.
I started humming the melody to You'll Be Back.
After I finished that song, I moved down the line.
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story.
"When my time is up, have I done enough? Will they tell my story?" I sung quietly to myself, trying to ease the pain.
Have I done enough?
Will people tell my story?
"Aria, you're doing great. There's only twenty minutes left"
I heard more whispering over the intercom.
"He said there was only one bullet"
"Then why Is she in pain?"
"They don't have her on morphine, she's a drug seeking risk"
"But If she's in pain?"
"She's been flagged as a previous drug abuser"
I heard ringing in my ears.
"Aria, how many times were you shot?"
"I don't remember"
I could barely keep my eyes open.
"Stay awake, Aria"
I keep humming.
Ja te laisserai de mots.
Humming the melody.
Humming the words.
Humming the melody.
Singing the words.
Until it was over.
The machine stopped making noises.
I heard footsteps approaching.
"Alright, the sedative should be worn off by now, we'll take you ba-"
He put his hand over his mouth, as if he were shocked.
"Schedule an OR, there was another bullet"
The tray moved again, I saw the tile ceiling and the brighter lights.
I sat up, looking at my stomach, panting.
"Oh shit, I think there was another bullet" I whispered.
"Get her out of here!"
I was lifted up by a nurse, I wasn't surprised she could lift me. I was placed on a gurney, squeaking all the way to the OR.
I was placed back on the operating table.
"There's another bullet somewhere. We think the MRI caused burning. We need that second bullet out"
"Get her some anesthesia"
A mask was placed over my mouth and nose.
Something was placed on my left pointer finger.
I heard beeping.
"We'll need to be careful with the burned skin, third degree"
It felt like there was a leak in my lungs, I couldn't get any air.
I felt my airways get tighter and tighter.
I couldn't breathe.
The monitor was rapidly beeping, the nurses expressed their concerns.
"We don't have time to stop, she'll die without the surgery. Get her an ETT"
The mask was removed, I felt something being shoved down my throat.
I still couldn't breathe with the ETT.
"She's crashing, we have to stop"
"I can't find the bullet, maybe it exited and it's phantom pain"
"The bullet has to be there, because there was only one exit hole"
"Then it had to have migrated"
"The MRI could have caused the bullet to shift"
"It caused it to heat up and burn her, not migrate somewhere unrealistic"
"It's possible"
"We have to stop, she's going to die!"
"Oxygen levels are decreasing"
Then I couldn't see.
I couldn't feel anything.
I couldn't taste the blood anymore
I couldn't smell the sanitized scent of the room.
But I could still hear.
"We need a crash cart!"
"I need to find the bullet, she could die!"
"She'll die with the bullet gone at this rate!"
"Then we'll bring her back!"
I was completely numb.
The last sense to go is your hearing.
For seven minutes.
Then you actually die.
"She's going into cardiac arrest, pulse is 180"
"I found it"
"It punctured her lung, that's why she isn't breathing"
"Great, now get it out!"
"I can't!"
"Its keeping her lung sealed, that's why her oxygen levels are rising again. She's fine with it until it keeps migrating through the lungs"
"She's stabilizing, get the bullet out and-"

If I were in My Hero Academia- RedoWhere stories live. Discover now