🌟✨Letter One🌟✨

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Dear God,

Hello, it's me.
Can you hear me? I was made to understand that you can see and hear everyone.
Is this true?

Because I don't know anymore, I don't know if you can hear me.
Please if you do, then I need your help. I need answers.
I am tired of living this way, I am tired of life. No one understands. No one cares.
I feel so lonely and lost. I was told that you are always with your children.

But, I can't feel you or am I not your child?, i was made to understand that you see us as children! Or am I repulsive to you?

I know you are real. I believe it, at least I try to, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if you see me. I can't help but wonder if you love me like they say you do.

No one loves me...I feel so alone in this world. Please help me, I want to feel your presence, is that possible?
I need answers God...please give me answers.

Dear Child,
My dear child!
I will like you to know that I Love You. You have no idea how much love I have for you. My love for you made me send my only Son to die on the cross did your redemption from sin.

I know how you feel. I understand. I see everything and you know what?... I am also right next to you in every situation you find yourself in. I am even with you right now.
I see your tears, I see your heartache. I know everything you are going through even before you spoke to me.

I want you to know that you are strong..really strong(smiles).
I want you to also know that I have loved you with everlasting love...my love for you is never-ending. My love knows no end. My love for you has no limits.
You are the Apple of my eye and I know the exact number of hairs on your head. That is the extent to which I love you.

And guess what?
Nothing can separate you from my love..No heights, No depths, Nothing at all. Sin can only block you from me but in all these I still love you.

You are not alone. I am with you always. Whenever you feel lonely, you can talk to me. I can hear you understand even your silent language and even the language of your tears. Only I can.
See me as your Father, Friend, and even Lover(yes).
I love you so much, dear Child. Don't ever forget or doubt that.
I am only a prayer away.

John 3:16

I'm sure we've all felt this way at some point right?
Well, if you still feel the same way I pray this letter will make you think otherwise.
You just have no idea how much God loves you.

I will love to read your comments.
Please, feel free to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is welcomed too.
Don't forget to share and wait, I Love you🤭🤭🤭
Stay blessed and Healthy✨

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