🌟✨Letter Four🌟✨

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Dear God,

Why do they always leave?
I'm talking of people, I talk about friends.
Why don't they last?

I hear people bragging about how many amazing friends they have, how they've been friends for many years, and all that, but it's never the same with me.

I mean, I know that I am not bad. I know that I am a great friend maybe not perfect but still.
Sometimes, I wish I could be surrounded by people like me. I give my all and it hurts when I feel it is not reciprocated.

I hate myself sometimes for being so insecure. I dislike the way I feel.

Why did you make me that way?

Why did I have to be so sensitive?

I'm tired of feeling this way!
I'm tired of feeling alone among many people!

I can't even tell anyone because they'll never understand. But I hope you do :(


Dear Child,

My Child, I love you!
I know how you feel. I am not ignorant about it.

It's all for a reason. I removed some people because you don't need them. They are not for you.

The people who came into your life are for a reason. They bring memories and also teach you life lessons.
You don't expect everyone to bring pleasant memories.
You don't expect everyone to like you.
Even Jesus suffered hate when he came to the earth.
Not everyone you meet will be passionate about you as you are about them.

It's all part of the growth process, dear one.

Just keep being you!
Just keep being good and loving and kind.

Don't make people make you lose your true nature and identity.

Don't let the talks and attitudes of people change who you are!

When it is time, I will bring the true people to you.
The ones that will love, care and impact your life positively and sincerely.

And whenever you feel alone, always remember that I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. I love you.

You are not alone. You are loved. You are cherished. I am with you till the end of the ages.

You are the apple of my eye and even if no one loves you, my love is enough. It is the greatest gift from me to you.
Never Forget that!

Don't allow fear and insecurity to tell you otherwise.

I'm here forever.
I love you, my child!

Author's Note
I don't have much to say.
I hope this helps you in some ways🙏
Stay Blessed❤🙏

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