🌟✨Letter 8✨🌟

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Dear God,

I just want to say thank you for standing by me.
Thank you for upholding me. Thank you for being there for me.
Thank you for staying with me even when I doubted you sometimes.

There were times when I couldn't feel you. There were times when I couldn't trust you.

Times when I lost my faith and confidence. Times when I felt you didn't love me. Times when I limited your powers. Lord, I am sorry.

Yet, you stayed. You stood by me. You held my hands. You ran to me when I couldn't walk to you.
God, I'm always in awe at the way you love me just like I'm the only being in this world.

Today, I just want to say 'Thank you'. Things are not completely okay for me yet but I don't want to complain because I know you have the best plans for me.

So today I choose to trust you and I ask that you help and strengthen my faith. Sometimes the reality of life dawns on me and makes me want to fall but I ask today that you help me.

I have no one else but you. God, it's either You or You. I love you God.😭

Dear Child,
I am with you forever. I will never leave you comfortless.
Be Still and know that I am God.

Hi family.
I want you to recall how faithful God has been to you.
Even though things are not perfect now, just thank God and always remember;
Don't ever ever ever forget that.

You can DM me if you need someone to talk to.

P.S- This book is coming to an end soon✔

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