🌟✨Letter Five🌟✨

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Dear God,

Why is this so hard?
I am tired of falling every single time.
I am tired of myself. I'm a failure who can't get anything right.
I'm tired of having to act strong when I'm not. My strength keeps failing me. I am tired of being tired. I'm finding it hard to balance my life. I have a lot to do but I feel weak.
God, why can't I live normally like others, they seem to be free to live nonchalantly.
I don't mean to complain. I'm just letting you know how I feel.

Dear Child,
All these things you are passing through are not for nothing.
I know you are finding it hard right now. I know that your emotion is raging war against you!
Hold on. Don't let go. It's gonna be okay!
Just walk with me. Trust me.
My peace I live with you. Abide in me and your joy will be full.
It's gonna be okay!
I love you, Child.

Hi everyone.
I hope this helps someone today.
The world is going through hard times but God is our Fortress and Anchor
Jesus Loves You❤
DM if you need someone to rant to😊

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