🌟✨Letter Six🌟✨

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Dear God,

I am scared.....
I fear what the future holds for me...is there even a great future for me?
God, I wish I knew what will become of me. I wish I knew what tomorrow holds.
I'm scared. I'm terrified. I'm scared.
Will all this be worth it? Is all this going to end?
I can't help but worry, I can't help but be afraid of what the future holds for me.
God, I am terrified. My world today is full of chaos, how much more is my future?
Will my future be filled with happiness and joy? Or will this continue?
If only I can see the future so that I can prepare for it. If only I could have a sneak peek of my future years.
I trust you, Lord, I do.
But most times, I can't help but worry!
Just felt like letting you know how I feel, even though I know you are much aware.
Your Child.


Dear Child,
I know how you feel!
Fear not! Fret not!
My child, I know the plans I have for you, plans of good and not of evil, to give you hope and a future. Fear not! Do not be dismayed!
I am you, God. I will help you.
It doesn't matter how chaotic the world is, I will uphold you if you abide in me!
Don't worry about your future. Do not be afraid.
Put your trust in me. Have faith in me! I will make it happen!
It may not look like it right now, but just be still and know that I am God.
Breathe, smile, rejoice, and be glad. I have great things in store for you, provided you stay with me.
If I can clothe the flowers of the field if I can feed the birds of the earth without them having to work, how much more you?
Put your faith in me!
Your dreams are just but a quarter of my plans for you.

Author's Note
I hope this helps someone out there🙏
Do you also fear the future?
I used to feel that way too till I found hope.
I love this scripture👇👇
Jer.29.11 - For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Fear not!
Jesus Love you and he has so much in store for you🙏

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