🌟✨Letter 9✨🌟

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Dear God,

Expressing myself to you has helped me a whole lot.

With you, I have found a place where I can be myself.
With you, I have found true love and peace even among chaos.
I found in you, a place where my mistakes don't become my end.

Dear God, I'm willing to go on this life's journey with you.
I'm going to fail you sometimes but I know you'll help me.
Help me to love and make you proud.
God, I offer myself to you. Make me. Use me. Do me what you want.

Today, I choose to place my life in your hands and walk away. I don't know what the future entails but I know that you have good plans for me.
I love you, God. I do.

Can we affirm this?
Happy New Month fam🥰
P.S. One more letter to go.🥳🥳
I'll post it shortly.

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