VIII: The Bakugos Fascination

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VIII: The Bakugos Fascination

Third POV

"Ready, set, fire!" Kirishima's voice rang, as a shot rang into the open air.

Four cars, filled with two to three passengers each that all stood for protection in the escape home a mere 3 hours from the main home, as their boss watched his son go through with weaponry training with the extra area acquired just for this.

Today's topic?


"Hold fire." Kirishima called out, walking out into the open field where Riku stood all alone, aiming at a rigged metal panel, "Switch on safety."

As the redheaded Alpha got closer, he could hear the sound of clicking that followed earlier fidgeting.

Riku tugged off his gloves that had added grips to it, as he adjusted his combat boot fitted legs into the rough terrain before slipping off his clear protection glasses incase of a stray bullet.

"How'd I do?" Riku exhaled sharply, remaining in place now that he was in the zone as Kirishima returned with an update.

"Well..." the redhead started, a look of disappointment on his face that suddenly turned to excitement, "A perfect headshot from 60 feet (18m) away."

"That's better than two weeks ago."

Riku nodded in acknowledgement, "That's good, I think I like Arsenal Firearms AF1 'Strike One' better than the Glock Gen 5 you gave me two weeks ago."

"It has a better grip and I don't jolt back as much."

He narrowed his eyes, "I'd like to try the Vector SS-77 now."

Kirishima shook his head, gently rubbing the young boy's shoulder, "Not until your 10th birthday, that goes with all automic rifles or machine guns. You know that."

Riku looked up at Kirishima with a bored look, then he turned his back to see his sire staring directly at him, before going into one of the cargo pant pocket and pulling out the silencer.

"I'm ready for round two; double fire this time."

"Alright then." Kirishima approved, feeling a bit weird knowing that an 8 year old had a better shot than some of the goons that worked for their criminal organization.

"Standby for calls."

Riku gave him a nod, putting back his gloves, as Kirishima headed back to where Katsuki was standing, for safety measures.

It was only until the redheaded Alpha got back to his literal Enigma for a boss did he begin.

"Ready..." Kirishima called, feeling Katsuki's gaze on him, "Set..."


The sound of two slightly muffled shots rang out in the open field, as Kirishima called for 'hold fire and safety on.'

"Well?" Katsuki muttered, "How's it looking?"

"Headshot or major artery shot every time." Kirishima examined, "He asked about trying the rifles and machine, but I said no like you ordered me to."

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