XVIII: Trance

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XVIII: Trance

Third POV

It was quiet, but there was an obvious tension growing throughout the Bakugo household that very morning.

After showering and getting dressed for the day, Riku took a pause and stared at his best friend.

He'd done his very best to try and take Hiro's mind off it, and he was sure Hiro had noticed his efforts and put on a brave smile.

But even so.

Riku heard Hiro's silent sobs as the two of them let the silence sink in while trying to get some rest.

"Hm." Riku simpered, slipping on his house slippers before quietly exiting his bedroom.

His footsteps were quiet, with a bored look on his face as he went to kitchen to find something small to eat.

He never really had an appetite whenever he was gearing up to go to his mother's place.

Given the circumstances, maybe he could've asked to stay here.

"Young Riku," Kirishima's voice startled him from his train of thought, making the boy whip his head to the enterance of the kitchen, "Are you okay?"

"You've been staring at the fridge door for a good amount of time, now."

Riku quickly nodded, pulling out the orange juice.

He watched as Kirishima went to grab him a glass from one of the shelves, pouring the juice for the boy.

"I feel bad for Hiro," Riku started, staring at the counter as he took a sip, "He was crying when he was going to bed."

A look of pity made its way onto Kirishima's face, "Well, I hope he's sleeping comfortably now."

"Your dad and the rest of us are doing the best for his dam."

Riku slowly nodded, "How long, though?"

"Hiro came here in blood, some nearly setting so we don't know how much blood his dam has lost already so how long?"

Kirishima fell silent for a brief moment, observing how Riku chugged the rest of his drink before placing it into the sink.

"Where's papa?" He quietly questioned, a serious look in his eyes, "I need to talk to him now."

Kirishima pointed to out in the hall, "In his office."

"Shall I accompany you?"

"That's not needed." Riku answered, "Thank you."

As he walked passed the redhead and trudged to his sire's office.

He could hear a conversation just about being wrapped up in there, so he just went for it and knocked.

He could hear Katsuki tell him to come in, so he took in a breath and just did.

He could see his dad, sitting in his seat as always, and another man with short black hair and forming stubble.

"Riku." Katsuki uttered, looking down at his son before turning back to the man, "This is Mr. Tsukauchi here from the police department to aid in Izuku's search."

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