IX: Worst Decisions

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IX: Worst Decisions

Third POV

That very evening, Riku found himself tossing and turning.

He'd gone to bed much earlier than usual, and considering the way he'd been acting, he just knew his sire would come check on him.

And he did.

He watched as the door slowly opened, hearing his dad quietly tell one of the house-helps named Jirou to keep quiet.

"Riku." Katsuki spoke lowly, closing the door with a thud.


For Riku's case, this was all so very ironic.

"Papa." Riku hummed, sitting upright as he picked at his graphic tee night shirt and black sweatpants. He crawled out of his blanket and watched as Katsuki took a seat beside him.

He held out his arms, watching as Riku slowly crawled into them as he gripped slightly onto the man's collar for support.

"I don't want to go to mom's." Riku bluntly stated, "I want to stay here."

Katsuki sighed, kissing Riku's temple as he brushed the boy's hair back gently.

This was his pride and joy he was holding.

"I know you don't." Katsuki murmured, just loud enough for the both of them to hear, "But that was the agreement we made."

"She's always saying nasty things about you and asks me if you've found someone new or if I can convince you to get back with her." Riku added, "It's annoying."

"Yeah well, you can keep telling her no until I say otherwise," Katsuki answered, "And unfortunately, she's still your dam so just go along with her antics."

"You packed the stuff you needed, right?"

Reluctantly, Riku nodded, "I left the majority at her place so it wasn't much."

His eyes shifted to the ground, then back directly ahead as he laid on his sire's shoulder, "Do you like Hiro and his mom? You look at them weirdly ever since he first came over."

Katsuki paused, scooping Riku up fully and placing him under his sheets.

"Goodnight, Riku." He hummed, listening to the boy groan.

"You're deflecting again, Papa." Riku muttered, listening to Katsuki's chuckle.

"I'm not, and for your information I'm only acting weird because I've never seen you so excited to hang out with another kid before," Katsuki answered, "I like both Hiro and his dam, Izuku."

"Is that a better response that'll let you sleep easier?"

Riku nodded, "Much." As he then turned over onto his side.

Katsuki stayed, just until he watched those sharp red eyes of Riku's had fluttered closed for the night.

• • • Meanwhile • • •

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