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  Jisung held the door for me, closing it after I got into passenger. I felt extremely awkward as he got in as well, but that awkward feeling was covered up by my severe anxiety.

  "So, should I take you home or a hotel?"

  "You aren't going to ask what happened?" I frowned. He pressed his lips together, shaking his head. "You'll tell me when you are ready. I just want you to be safe."

I took a deep breath, picking at my nails. "My father made it clear that he doesn't care whether I am part of the family or not."

His hand suddenly reached over to my hand. I ripped it back and hid it after I noticed the blood, but I was far to late.

"You're bleeding."

"I'm okay, it's just a small scrape."

Perhaps I spoke a bit to quickly. Jisung turned and started the car, backing it out of the parking lot.

The short drive was completely silent. As he parked the car again, he motioned to the dorm building. "These are the single dorms, so just crash here for the night. We can clean your wound too."

It was an understatement to say this dorm was abnormally luxurious. It was a very large room with a mini kitchen, bathroom, and even a beautiful view out the eight story window.

He chuckled at how mesmerized I was. "Yuriko would have one of these rooms too if she had decided to live on campus. It's one of the perks of being top ten."

"More like if our parents let her. They have us both on two foot leashes." I scoffed, gaining a worried look.

I'm not sure why I was suddenly comfortable talking to him so casually, but I couldn't find it in me to be that harsh towards him as he's helped me so much.

"So.. do they know you left?"

I nodded, sitting next to him on the couch. "Yep, I made sure to look at the camera too. Father must be so mad." I let out a chuckle.

"Oh right, let's clean your wound-"

I stopped him from standing. He caught my desperate eyes as I took a deep breath. "Just tell me where the supplies are, I'll do it."

After a moment he only nodded, helping me off the couch with a hand. "It's all under the sink in the bathroom. Let me know if you need any help, okay?"

I shyly thanked him, walking to the bathroom and shutting the door. The silence was like a breath of relief as I just sat on the floor.

I crawled towards the sink, grabbing everything I needed. With a lift of my sleeve, I cursed.

Almost everything I did earlier today was swollen and bleeding, staining the dark grey shirt. If I had waited any longer, Jisung would have found out what actually happened..

"H-hey.. there's blood on my sleeve.. could i- uh." I looked to the ground, cheeks hot as he chuckled. "Yeah, let me grab you a t-shirt."

That's fine, I have the flannel in my bag to cover my arms

He returned with a smaller, black long sleeve shirt. Though I was thankful, that was the last thing I expected him to bring out. He had also quickly changed to a black t-shirt and sweats.

I shyly thanked him, going back in to change and return to the livingroom. The shirt was definitely still big on me but it looked as though it would fit Jisung tightly.

He set a folded blanket and pillow on the couch. "I hope this is comfortable enough. Do you have clothes with you for school tomorrow?"

I sat on the couch, shaking my head. "I'm not going."

He frowned, taking a seat next to me. "Are you really prepared to just run away like this? Have you thought it through?"

I still avoided his eyes. There's no way I'm getting caught in that trap. I just shook my head. "But I don't want to go back."

"What about Yuriko?"

"I don't want to leave her, but at this point.." I paused, biting my lip. "I'm miserable."

"You are an adult, so I won't stop you if this is your choice, but can I give some advice? You enjoy dancing, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Is that advice or a question? I only like it when I'm not forced."

He let out a hum. "Let's start with that. Come to school tomorrow and give a little effort in dance. I know it seems forced, but all I'm asking is one more day."


He sighed, raising his brows. "Just trust me. If you decide that this is what you want after tomorrow... I'll help you run away and start over."

-- Lunch --

I was welcomed by a petty face as I arrived to the roof. With no surprise, it was the same girl who caused me to hit my head.

"You arrived with him this morning."

I rolled my eyes. "Big surprise, you creeps don't miss anything. Do you even have a life outside of being a stalker?"

She didnt seem to like my remark as she stomped up to me. I blocked her slap and grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head back. "Now listen to me. I'm not dating Jisung, I want nothing to do with him. Even if I was, it's his life to live. He wouldn't want a skank like you anyway so leave me alone before you get hurt."

That may have been overboard, but today was not the day

She ran back down the stairs in tears, finally leaving me to my peaceful haven.

Just a few seconds later, I heard footsteps. Assuming it would be the girls friends, I stared at him in surprise as he gave a goofy smile. He held a tray of food, walking up next to me and setting it in front of us.

"I was right, you come up here everyday without food."

"Well, I guess my hiding spot is no longer a hiding spot, seeing as everyone knows I'm up here."

"What did you say to jihye?"

I just scoffed, laying my head down away from him. "I appreciate everything you are doing for me, but please don't act like we are best buds all of a sudden."

"Relax, you need energy for dance. Eat this."


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