Dream a Little Dream of Me

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I take notes on the game going on in front of me. Dallas is up 2-0 over the Arizona Coyotes and the players seem to be thriving from the crowd's cheering. I'm sitting with Chris in the box that has a perfect view of the ice. Suddenly, a Stars player is hurt badly and taken to the dressing room.

"Take note that Daley was injured. I'll ask about it after the game." Chris tells me and continues to watch the game intensely. I scribble down notes until the end of the game, writing down the score of 3-0.

"Where do we go now?" I question.

"Locker room for interviews." He replies and I follow him to the location of the players. As we enter the locker room, Chris turns to me, "Just watch me interview right now. You can do one at the next game, I just want you to get a feel for it." He informs me and I nod in understanding. We walk over to Lehtonen to start an interview, and I hand Chris my notes.

"Kari, you had a great shutout tonight. You seem to play very well against the Coyotes. What is it about their team that makes it easier for you to play your game?" Chris questions and Lehtonen chuckles a little.

"I wouldn't call it easy. They're a good team, but I definitely feel more confident when I play against them."

"Well congrats on the win tonight." Chris tells him and Lehtonen gives him a smile before he sees me standing next to him.

"Heather, coming out with us tonight?" He questions.

"Umm, I'm not sure."

"Ah come on. At least celebrate with us." I think about last night, and how I regretted not going out with them.

"Okay, but only one drink."


"Five shots please." Tyler orders at the bar.

"So, how'd you like the game?" Jordie asks me as we find a place to sit.

"It was really good, how's Daley by the way? He got hit pretty bad."

"He fractured his shoulder, he'll be back in a few games though." Jamie answers for Jordie and I nod my head. Our conversation is interrupted by Tyler.

"Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!" He chants as he brings a round to our table. He places a shot in front of each of us then takes a seat next to me.

"Ready for this Miss Prissy?" He teases me and I roll my eyes, trying to play off my reluctance to drink. It's been awhile since I've done this. Well, actually I've only ever had champagne and wine. In my family, I was raised to think that drinking hard liquor wasn't acceptable. So, yeah I was pretty nervous.

"1, 2, 3, drink!" Jamie shouts and I follow the guy's lead and down the shot of vodka. It burns on the way down and I cough a little bit. The guys don't seemed to be phased at all by the burning sensation and I become a little embarrassed.

"First drink?" Jordie questions me and I nod my head sheepishly.

"That's okay, you'll get used to it." Lehtonen jokes.

"So, you've really never drank before?" Jamie asks and I shrug.

"Well, I've had like champagne and stuff like that. My parents sort of raised me to believe that drinking hard liquor wasn't...classy. They were pretty strict with me growing up." I say nervously. The guys nod their heads in understanding. I feel a pair of eyes on me and I turn to see that Tyler is staring at me with a look I can't explain.

"What?" I ask him. His gaze makes me nervous, but at the same time there's something attractive about it.

"You really are Miss Prissy huh? Born and raised." He finally says, and just like that, his attractiveness is thrown out the window. I just narrow my eyes at him and pull out my phone, checking my horoscope while the guys talk.

Libra: Pay attention to your dreams tonight, they will carry important messages.

My phone is suddenly taken from my hands and I glance up to see that Tyler has it and is reading my horoscope.

"You actually believe in this stuff?" He asks with a chuckle. I snatch my phone out of his hands and shove it back into my purse.

"Yes I do. And I would like it if you didn't make fun of me for things I believe in." I tell him and he laughs a little bit. I can tell that he's already a little tipsy.

"Okay, okay. Sorry there's no need to get so defensive." He says, holding his hands up in mock surrender. I roll my eyes in annoyance and look to the other guys.

"I'll see you boys at the next game." I say and stand up.

"Wait, give me your number. We might hangout tomorrow and it would be cool if you could come too." Jamie says and I hesitate.

"I might be busy tomorrow. You know, with writing about the game and such." I answer.

"Well, just in case you're not busy, I'll give you a call." He says and I give in, handing him my phone. After I exchange numbers with him, I wave goodbye to the guys and leave the bar. As I begin walking down the street, I hear someone yell,

"Wait up!" I spin around to see Tyler catching up to me.

"Yeah?" I ask once he reaches me.

"Mind if I walk you home?" He asks.

"Why?" I know I'm being rude, but this is Tyler we're talking about. He's been rude to me since he met me, and now he wants to walk me home?

"I just want to make sure you get home safely. From what I just heard back there, you seemed to have been raised in this perfect little shell. I don't think you can handle these streets at night." I give him a dead panned look.

"Tyler, I've been living here since I was born. I know my way around." I state.

"Okay, well no matter what you say I'm going to walk you home." He says stubbornly.

"Fine, let's go."

Once we reach my apartment, we linger at the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Tyler questions as I unlock my door and step inside.

"Maybe. It depends on how much work I have to do. Thanks for walking me. I have to admit I was kind of surprised by it." I tell him and he shrugs.

"I know you think I'm just a jerk, but I can be nice sometimes." He smirks, "But you're welcome. Goodnight." I chuckle and say goodnight before closing my door and heading to bed.

Everything is fuzzy around me and I don't know where I am. The only thing I can see clearly is Tyler. He is standing in front of me speaking, but I can't hear what he's saying. Suddenly, his lips touch mine and my heart stops. The kiss escalates and his hands are reaching down lower-

I sit up in bed quickly, awoken by the weirdness of the dream. Thank God it was just a dream. But why was it about Tyler? The way I felt about him in the dream was different than what I feel for him in real life. I was actually attracted to him in my dream. Ew. He's such a jerk in real life, but in that dream he was...perfect. I shake those thoughts from my head and grimace. No more drinking before bed.

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now