I Believe You

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I am awoken by a loud ringing, and my eyes open to bright sunlight. I wipe my tear stained cheeks, and try to locate where the noise is coming from. I realize it's my cell phone, and I hurriedly answer it without looking at the caller ID.


"Ms. King, I need you in my office in exactly twenty minutes." I hear Mr. Handlers voice on the other end, and I know I'm doomed. I glance at the clock and notice it is already half past eleven.

"Yes sir." I say quietly.

"We have a lot to talk about." He says sternly, and I grimace.

"I'll be there, sir." I tell him and he hangs up. I put down my phone, and get ready for a disciplining of a lifetime.

"Mr. Handler will see you now." His secretary informs me and I nod. I'm hit with déjà vu as I make my way to his office. My nerves are on high, and I can only hear my heart beating in my chest. His secretary opens the door for me, and I shakily walk in and take a seat.

"Well, what can I say. I guess I expected more from you Ms. King." He starts off, and I stay silent. "Is there anything you'd like to say?"

"No, sir. I'm willing to take my consequences." I say quietly and Mr. Handler lets out a small chuckle.

"No need to be so glum. I'm not firing you." He says, and I snap my head up to look at him.

"You're not?" Am I hearing him correctly?

He shakes his head with a chuckle, "No, I'm not. I'm simply relocating you." He informs me and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Wait, you're not firing me. You're just moving me to a different state?" I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. I was expecting to come in here, lose my job, and then leave.

"Something like that. Your work is too impressive to just throw away." He says as he leans back in his chair.

"So, where exactly am I going?" I ask. A smile grows on Mr. Handler's face, and I'm honestly a little frightened. I didn't know the man was capable of smiling.

"Toronto." He states.


"Toronto." He confirms with a nod. That's where our biggest and most successful offices were located. Why on earth is he sending me there?

"Why?" I ask.

"You're not excited." He inquires and I lean back in my chair much like he had done.

"No, I'm very excited. I'm just very confused." I let out a breath and try to wrap my mind around the idea of me working in Toronto.

"I'll be honest. I've been thinking of moving you to Toronto for awhile now. I thought I would test you out with the Stars for awhile, just to see how you adjusted. And I was pleased."

"But, I broke the one rule you gave me." I counter and Mr. Handler looks thoughtful for a moment before replying.

"That's true, but your work never faltered. I only created that rule so you wouldn't be distracted. And even when you broke the rule, it never affected your work." He reasons.

"So, when do I leave?" I ask the dreaded question.

"Is one week too soon?"

"I guess not. I just have to pack and find a place to stay." Jeez, will one week be enough to pack, rent a place to stay, and say goodbye? Saying goodbye. That's going to be harder to do than the rest.

"Don't worry about a place to stay. The company will pay for a hotel until you can find somewhere. I wish you the best of luck in Toronto. It was a pleasure, Ms. King." He holds his hand out for me to shake, and I grip it firmly.

"Thank you, Mr. Handler." I stand up and exit his office. This is definitely not what I was expecting.

I had already begun packing up the little things I wouldn't need until I got to Toronto. Now, I'm sitting in my pile of boxes, taking a break. Well, I was crying actually. It was hard to keep my tears away. My heart was broken and I was leaving some of my best friends.

I had tried calling Tyler, but it was no use. He would send me straight to voicemail. Jamie tried calling me a few times, but I did the same to him as Tyler did to me. Tyler was the only one I wanted to talk to. There's a knock on my door, but I ignore it.

"Heather, come on. Open the door." I hear Jamie's voice on the other side. Damn it, I wish I could send him to voicemail right now. I already felt Tyler's wrath, I don't want to deal with Jamie's too. I plan on ignoring him until he leaves, but I accidentally knock over a few boxes, creating a loud ruckus.

"Shit." I curse.

"I know you're in there Heather. I can hear you!" Jamie exclaims and I reluctantly open the door.

"If you're here to yell at me, I don't want to hear it." I say bluntly and Jamie gives me a confused look.

"Why would I yell at you? I just want to know your side of the story." His eyes are pleading, so I let him inside.

"Sorry for the mess. I've been packing." I tell him and take a seat on the couch. Jamie looks around my semi empty apartment, then back to me.

"Where are you going?" He questions.

"Toronto. I'm being relocated."

"What? Why?" Jamie seems truly upset about this news, and my heart aches. I'm going to miss him so much.

"Chris told my boss about Tyler and I." I say simply. Jamie's face reddens in anger.

"Why would he do that?"

"I slapped him."

"Heather, you're gonna have to be a bit less vague."

"He's the reason Tyler and I broke up. Chris forced himself on me, and Tyler thought I was the one who started it. I guess Anna put that idea in his head. But I doubt you believe any of that." I say quietly. Why would he believe me over his best friend. He takes a seat next to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Of course I believe you, Heather." He says, and I pull away from him wide eyed.

"You do?"

Jamie nods, "Yeah. I didn't think you would ever cheat on Tyler. I was there when you turned down those two guys at the party. That's why I had to get your side of the story. I couldn't believe you would do that Tyler, there was no way." I give him a thankful look and pull him into a hug.

"Thank you so much for believing me. I'm glad somebody does." We pull away from the hug and Jamie looks around my apartment again.

"When do you leave?" He asks quietly.

"One week." I say, and Jamie shakes his head.

"That's not enough time. I wish you didn't have to go." He tells me and few more tears fall from my eyes.

"I know. All I want is to tell Tyler I love him before I go. I really do love him. But, he doesn't even want to see me, let alone speak to me." I confess. I think I've loved Tyler for awhile, I just haven't said it out loud until now. It feels great to admit it though.

"Can you make me a promise?" Jamie asks and I nod my head. "Come down to the arena before you leave. You can't go without saying goodbye to the rest of the guys."

"Okay." Jamie stands up to leave and I walk him to the door. "Thank you for being an amazing friend." I say and he pulls me into another hug.

"Thank you for being an amazing girl to my best friend. He needs someone like you in his life." I give Jamie a grateful smile which he returns. I watch him disappear into the elevator and I close my door. Time to start packing again.

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