Skype Call

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Turns out that Tyler and I would have to wait to do something crazy with each other (which I'm very grateful for). The Stars are going on a week long road trip and I wasn't going with them. Chris had said that I would have to wait a couple of months before I would be 'qualified' enough to do it.

So, now I'm saying goodbye to my friends. I hate to admit it, but I'm actually really afraid of them leaving. I'll be all by myself and bored. Going to the games was pretty much the highlight of my week, and hanging out with Jamie and Tyler was a bonus.

"I'm gonna miss you bestie." Jamie pretends to cry as he pulls me in his arms. I laugh and roll my eyes,

"You're such a drama queen. You're only leaving for a week." I say nonchalantly even though I'm actually crying on the inside. "I'll miss you too though." I add and Jamie smiles.

"I know who'll miss you more than me." He teases and I glance at Tyler, blushing.

"Shut up and get on the bus." I mutter, making him laugh. This causes Tyler to look over at us and he spots me. A smile forms on his face and he makes his way over. Jamie ruffles my hair then boards onto the bus.

"Gonna miss me?" Tyler asks cockily once he reaches me. I roll my eyes at this.

"Don't be such a Fuckboy." I joke and Tyler smirks.

"Ohh more attitude from Miss Prissy. How adorable." He teases and I chuckle a little.

"You have to stop calling me adorable." I tell him and his smirk widens.

"Oh, you don't like that? Too bad." I just narrow my eyes at him.

"See you in a week." I state and turn to walk away, pretending to be mad.

"Wait, wait." Tyler says and grabs my waist, turning me back around. "I'm sorry, I'll miss you." He tells me sincerely and I grin.

"I'll miss you too, but we'll Skype or something."

"Okay, don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone." He teases, making me giggle.

"Don't worry, I won't. Good luck." I say and he gives me one last hug before getting into the bus. I really am going to miss him, even if he's only gone for a week.

The guys have already been gone a few days, and I was about to Skype them for the first time in a few minutes. I put my hair in a messy bun and zip my pink jacket up so that it covers my sports bra. My laptop starts ringing and I answer it quickly. Jamie's face pops up on the screen and I flash my pearly whites.

"Jamie!" I exclaim and he returns my smile.

"Bestie! How've you been?" He asks and I sigh.

"I've been better. I'm surprised at how much I miss yours and Tyler's company." I tell him and he shrugs.

"I don't blame you for missing us; We are pretty awesome." He winks and I chuckle.

"This is true. Nice goal last night by the way." I tell him and he smiles.


"So, where's Tyler?" I question and Jamie pretends to be offended.

"I'm sorry, am I not good enough for you?" I laugh at him.

"You are such a drama queen. I haven't seen Tyler in a few days and I want to talk to him too." I say and Jamie rolls his eyes at me.

"Whatever. Tyler, Heather is on Skype!" He shouts through the hotel room. I hear a sudden clanking sound and a faint "ow" in the background followed by fast footsteps. Jamie chuckles as Tyler comes onto the screen, wearing only a towel with his hair dripping wet.

"Did you trip when you ran out of the shower?" Jamie asks and Tyler blushes, embarrassed.

"Maybe." He then sees me on the screen and grins widely, "Hey Heather. It's great to see you."

"You too, do you want me to call back later? You seem to be preoccupied at the moment." I laugh as Tyler wraps his towel tighter around his waist.

"No, no. Right now is great, I haven't spoken to you in like three days. I miss you." He tells me and Jamie excuses himself from the room.

"Aww, I missed you too. Congrats on your win last night. It was a big comeback after your last game." I say, remembering their first game of the road trip. They had lost 5-1 against Chicago. It was ugly, but they seemed to get out of their funk pretty quickly.

"Thanks, did you see my goal?" He asks excitedly and I laugh.

"Yes, it was a real beaut."

"So, what have you been up to?" He questions.

"Nothing really. Chancy has been keeping me company." I notice that he tenses up at this.

"Oh, who's Chancy?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"My cat..." I trail off and Tyler visibly relaxes.

"Since when did you have a cat?"

"I've always had a cat, he just likes to hide when I have company." I inform him and he nods in understanding. We're silent for a moment before a thought suddenly pops into my head, "Wait, were you jealous?" I tease and Tyler blushes a little.

"No...I just wasn't sure who Chancy was and I was curious. You know how curious Aquarius' can be." He tries to save himself, but it doesn't work.

"Okay, whatever you say," I tell him, not buying anything he's trying to sell.

"Okay, maybe I was jealous. So what?" He says defensively and I chuckle.

"Calm down there. I don't blame you for being jealous, I am a hot piece of ass after all." I joke and Tyler chuckles.

"Adorable is more like it." He mutters and I blush.

"You really have to stop calling me that Tyler."

"I can't help it if it's true." He answers and I chuckle.

"Whatever, I should probably get to bed. I'm tired." I say, holding back a yawn. Tyler pouts a little.

"Aw, okay. Get some rest and I'll try to Skype you in a couple days before we get back."

"Okay, goodnight Tyler."

"Goodnight Heather. Sleep well." He says quietly and I let a small smile take over my face.

"You too, bye." I close my laptop and turn my light off before laying down. I can't wait until they get back.

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now