Bunny Slippers?

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I arrive at the stadium once again for another game. I'm actually starting to enjoy just watching the games and watching my friends play. As I make my way to the box where I usually sit with Chris, I run into Jamie.

"Hey." He gives me a nod and I pull him to a more private part of the hallway.

"You have to help me." I say and he gives me a confused look.

"What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?"

"No, no. Just...make sure Tyler stays away from me for a while." I feel really bad about this, but if my horoscope is correct, and Tyler is reaching out to me, then I need to put a stop to it. I can't afford to lose my job over him. Jamie furrows his eyebrows,

"Why? I thought you guys were getting along now. Wait, did he make a move on you?" He questions, causing me to blush.

"Well, he kissed my cheek before he left yesterday morning, but it's more than that. It's hard to explain, just please keep him away for awhile." I beg and Jamie smirks.

"That sly dog. I knew he wanted me to leave early for a reason." My eyes widen at this information.

"You mean Tyler told you to leave yesterday?"

"Yeah. I thought it was weird at the time, but I get it now. He wanted to be alone with you." I groan in frustration,

"That's why you need to keep him away from me. I could lose my job for getting involved with him, and if he keeps acting the way he does with me, I can't guarantee I'll be able to resist him." I admit and Jamie nods understandingly.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do. Interview me after the game?" I smile and sigh in relief.

"Thank you, and of course I will."

After the game, I make my way to the locker room for interviews. I hear Jamie's familiar voice and walk towards it. I stop in my tracks though as I hear Tyler's voice as well.

"What do you mean? I can't just stay away from her." Tyler says to Jamie, obviously annoyed.

"Well, you're gonna have to. I know what you're doing, but she could lose her job for getting involved with you. Are you really willing to take that risk?" I hear Jamie say and Tyler sighs.

"Would it be selfish to say yes?"

"Yes it would be. Listen, if it's meant to work out, then it will work out. Just lay low for awhile, her job is important to her." I grin at Jamie's words.

"Okay, I'll try. No promises though." Tyler answers and I decide to continue on my way to the locker room to wait for Jamie. He enters a few minutes after I do and takes a seat next to me.

"Ready to start?" I ask and he nods happily.

That night, I finish typing up my interview and information on the game fairly quickly. Just as I close my laptop, there's a knock on my door. I get up to answer it, and I am more than surprised to see Tyler standing in front of me.

"Um hi." My tone is questioning. Does he not understand what staying away from someone means?

"Hi, I'm sorry to bug you, but I have to ask you something that's been bugging me all night. Wait, are you wearing bunny slippers?" He gets sidetracked as he looks at my feet. I blush slightly,

"Yes." He looks back up to me and chuckles.

"That is adorable." He needs to stop calling me that. I roll my eyes, but I can't keep the small smile off my face.

"What do you have to ask me."

"Do you really want me to stay away from you?" He asks, and I'm not sure but I think I see a glimmer of hurt in his eyes.

"I don't want you to stay away from me, but you have to. Jamie told me that you told him to leave the other morning so we could be alone. If you have feelings for me that go further than friends, then I can't hang out with you. I'm sorry." I tell him half heartedly.

"What if I stop trying to make moves on you and we just hang out like friends. I don't want to cut off all connections with you. I like hanging out with you more than I thought I would." He admits.

"Can you control yourself?" I ask, not believing he was capable of it.

"We'll just have to see." He smirks and I chuckle.

"Okay. Friends?" I ask and hold out my hand.

"Friends." We shake hands awkwardly.

"So...is that all?" I ask.

"Well, I was hoping you would come get some ice cream with me or something. It's my cheat day." He jokes, making me giggle.

"It's eleven in the evening. Are you sure ice cream is a good idea?"

"Ice cream is always a good idea." He states matter of factly.

"I don't know if it's a good idea that we go out. What if the media thinks we're dating?" I ask nervously and Tyler gives me a look.

"Are you forgetting that you are the media?" He dead pans. "If someone makes up a rumor I'm sure you have connections that can deflate the situation."

"I don't know." I trail off in thought and Tyler sighs in annoyance.

"Learn to live a little, you have to stop being so worried about everything."

"I don't worry about everything." I say, slightly offended. Tyler just gives me a look and I sigh. "Fine, I'll go. But I'm not changing out of my slippers." Tyler grins triumphantly,

"Fine by me, let's go."

"Wow, you're even safe when it comes to picking an ice cream flavor." Tyler mocks and I slap his arm.

"I like vanilla, what's the big deal?"

"Take a look at this." He says, and holds his ice cream out on display. I observe the sprinkles, nuts, and chocolate covered cone, along with his peanut butter ice cream. "This is excitement. That is boring." He says pointing at mine. I just roll my eyes and we take a seat in the corner of the empty ice cream parlor.

"Why do you have to continue to tell me how boring I am? I can be fun." I say and Tyler scoffs.

"Says the girl who got drunk for the first time the other night."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What I'm trying to say is you've been raised in this little shell of perfect. You haven't experienced mishaps or mistakes. That's what makes life exciting." He says and I pretend to bow down to him.

"Wise words from Tyler Seguin. Teach me your ways Great One." I joke and Tyler narrows his eyes at me.

"You need my help more than you know it."

"Oh really?" I question him, full of doubt.

"Yes, and I bet by the end of this season I'll have you living on the edge." He challenges.

"You think so? What do I get if you fail to achieve this?"

"I'll stop calling you Miss Prissy, and I won't call you boring." This sounds tempting,

"And if you succeed?"

"I get to take you on a date. A real one." He smirks and my eyes go wide. He can tell that I'm hesitating, "Take a risk for once in your life. Just say yes." He tells me, holding out his hand. A part of me is saying don't do it because I know he'll win the bet, but the other part of me is telling me to do it because he'll win the bet. And I kind of want him to.

"Fine." I say, placing my hand in his. We shake on it, and the bet is official. What am I getting myself into?

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