Bringing the Party Home

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As I take notes of the game, I root on the boys. Jamie and Tyler are playing a great game tonight, passing and scoring with each other. They're a great pair. Jordie is playing really well too, defending like a champ. And Lehtonen is making all kinds of amazing saves. The game ends with a score of 4-2 Dallas.

I head towards the locker room with Chris for my first interview. When we enter the locker room, Tyler spots me and calls me over.

"I'm ready for my interview." He grins and I chuckle. It is then that I notice he isn't wearing a shirt and is only in his uniform from the waist down. I close my mouth and try not to drool as he sits there in front of me, abs out on full display. He doesn't seem to notice my staring which I'm thankful for.

"Okay, let's get started then." I pull out my phone so I can record the interview. "You and Jamie seem to have an amazing chemistry on the ice, is it like that for you two off the ice as well?" I ask. Tyler looks at his best friend and grins,

"Well, that's why we play so well together. We have a friendship off the ice and it transfers to the way we play." I nod and continue with all of my questions before ending the interview.

"Thanks for doing this." I say to Tyler and he smiles.

"Sure, are you coming out with us tonight?" He asks.

"I wish I could, but I need to write this up tonight." I tell him and I'm surprised to see a look of disappointment on his face.

"Okay, well I'll see you at the next game then."

"Okay, congrats on the win." I tell him and he thanks me as I walk away. I still can't get over the fact that Tyler Seguin, who was a complete jerk to me when he first met me, was actually disappointed that I couldn't go out tonight.

I rub my forehead, trying to massage my headache away. I have been staring at this computer screen for two hours and I'm barely finished writing what I need to write. It's midnight already and I'm close to passing out from exhaustion. I'm startled by a knock on the door, and I slowly get up to see who it is. Looking through the peep hole, I'm surprised to see Jamie and Tyler on the other side. I open the door and see that they both are carrying an over night bag.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask as I yawn.

"Well, since you can't go out tonight, we thought we would bring the party to you." Jamie says and I squint my eyes in confusion.

"It's midnight, and I'm almost done working. I want to go to bed." I tell them. Tyler just rolls his eyes and says,

"When are you going to learn to have a little fun?" I give him a dead panned look.

"I know how to have fun." I say. Tyler gives me a smirk and says,

"Prove it." We stare each other down, challenging one another until Jamie clears his throat awkwardly and pushes past me into my apartment. I sigh in defeat and let Tyler in too.

"You have a nice place." Jamie compliments.

"Thank you. You guys can just do whatever until I'm done writing this up." I tell them, which was probably a mistake because when I finished my work I came back out to the living room to see that they had pulled out a bottle of rum and were taking shots.

"You guys it's half past midnight, why are you drinking?" I groan in annoyance.

"We're pulling an all nighter!" Tyler yells jokingly. Jamie pours a shot for me and I hesitantly take a seat with them and down the shot, coughing afterwards.

"I will never get used to that." I mutter. However I was proven wrong when six shots later, I could no longer feel the burn. I had never been drunk before, but I'm sure that I am now.

"Are you seriously drunk after seven shots? You're a virgin drinker huh?" Tyler teases me. Usually I would be offended, but I'm too tipsy to be mad right now. I just giggle and nod my head.

"Yup." I say, popping the 'p'.

"That is the most adorable thing ever." He says, and I giggle more, and grab the bottle again. There's enough for me to have one more shot. Jamie grabs the bottle from me and I pout.

"No more for you." He chuckles. I sigh sadly, but stand up and I feel a rush go to my head. I stumble a little and Tyler stands up to help steady me.

"I'm gonna go to bed. Thanks for keeping me company." I slur, causing them both to chuckle.

"Here, let me help you." Tyler offers and picks me up so I won't trip or run into anything on my way to bed. I instruct him on where my bedroom is and he opens the door slowly, then sets me down on my bed. He pulls the covers down and I get under them. After he tucks me in, I feel his soft lips on my forehead. I'm not sure if I imagined it though or if it actually happened. He whispers a quiet,

"Goodnight." then goes back out to the living room with Jamie.

I wake up with a pounding in my head and I cringe at the sunlight shining into my room. As I sit up, my head hurts even more. I look on my bedside table and see that there are two tablets of Advil and a glass of water. Thank goodness. I take the Advil and chug the water.

After brushing my teeth, I head to the kitchen where I smell bacon. I'm surprised to see that Tyler is still here, and shirtless once again. He turns around from the stove and notices that I'm awake.

"Good morning." He greets me and I give him a nod before taking a seat at the counter.

"Morning, where's Jamie?" I question. Tyler places a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

"He had to leave this morning, I decided to stick around though. I couldn't let you experience your first hangover by yourself." He teases and I blush. Oh God that is so embarrassing.

"How bad was I last night?" I ask. Tyler chuckles,

"Well, you're a light weight for sure, but we can change that." He jokes and I cringe.

"Ugh, that's so embarrassing."

"Nah, it was kind of funny actually. It's always fun to see someone get drunk for the first time."

"Well, thank you. For sticking around and for the water and stuff." I mutter.

"I told you, I can be nice sometimes." He smirks and I chuckle.

"Yeah, sometimes." I glance up at him and my eyes become glued to his abs. I avert my gaze quickly and clear my throat awkwardly. Tyler takes a seat in front of me and begins eating his own breakfast. Since we don't have much to talk about, I pull my phone out and look at my horoscope.

Libra: A friend's actions are trying to reach out and tell you something, possibly that they want to be more than friends. Just like you don't know it, they might not know it either.

My heart stops, and I glance up at Tyler. He notices that I'm staring and gives me a confused look,

"What? Is the food okay?" He asks and I shake the thoughts from my head.

"Yeah, it's good. Sorry I didn't mean to..." I trail off and look back at my phone. I quickly put it away and we finish eating our food.

"Um, so I'll see you tomorrow." Tyler says and I nod my head. I walk him to the door and hand him his bag.

"Yeah, thanks again." I say and he nods his head. We linger for a moment, and Tyler quickly leans in and pecks my cheek before heading down the hallway. The elevator door closes, but I'm still staring ahead of me, stunned at what just happened. Maybe I wasn't hallucinating last night, he definitely kissed my forehead. Holy shit, this can't be good.

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