All of the Stars

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The boys arrived home from the road trip a few hours ago, and they were supposed to come see me so we could hangout. Just as I am becoming impatient, I hear a knock on the door and I jump up to answer it. I open the door and am immediately pulled into a bear hug. I smell the familiar cologne of Tyler and I hug him back tightly.

"Did you have fun on the road trip?" I ask him and he just nods.

"Yeah, it was good. I probably would have had a better time with you though." He answers and I blush.

"I wish I could have tagged along. Where's Jamie?" I question and this time it's Tyler's turn to blush. He rubs the back of his neck nervously as he answers,

"I sort of asked him to not come so that I could have a little alone time with you. We need to do something crazy." I just roll my eyes jokingly and chuckle.

"Of course." I mutter. "What did you have in mind?" Tyler gives me a smirk and I'm suddenly fearing for my life. What could he possibly be thinking?

"There's no way I'm doing this." I state and begin walking out of the karaoke bar. Tyler grabs my shoulders and pulls me back to his side.

"Don't be a chicken, I'm gonna sing too." He tells me and I grow increasingly worried.

"I've never sung in front of anyone before. I can't do this." I say, trying to get out of his hold.

"That's too bad because I already signed you up." He smirks and I groan in annoyance.

"You're the devil."

"And you're a little angel, but we can fix that." He teases. We take a seat towards the back and watch the performances that are before mine. Some of them are actually pretty good, while others are cringe worthy. As an elderly woman exits the stage after singing an incredibly colorful song, the MC stands on the stage.

"Next we have Heather, come on up sweetheart." He says into the microphone and I stay glued to my seat. Tyler nudges my arm, and eventually drags me to my feet.

"You can do this." He tells me and the MC starts clapping.

"Don't be shy, please give Heather a warm welcome." I give the audience a weak smile as they clap for me. I make my to the stage and locate Tyler in the back. He sits down and gives me a thumbs up. The MC taps my shoulder and I look to him.

"Pick any song you want." He smiles and hands me a rather large book with a plethora of songs. I thank him and begin rifling through the pages until I find the perfect song.

"Number 934 please." I tell him and he nods. I step up to the microphone and my eyes never leave Tyler's as I sing Toxic. His eyes darken and I have to look away. My nerves seem to disappear as I continue singing. I figured that if I'm terrible it wouldn't really matter because half of the people that sang were horrific and if I'm good then I don't really have anything to worry about. So I just sing my heart out and it actually feels good.

When the song ends, the audience claps politely and Tyler gives me a standing ovation, shouting my name and whistling. I blush at his outburst and exit the stage, making my way to him.

"That was amazing." He tells me and I slap his arm. "What was that for?" He whines.

"For making me do that. Do you see how much I'm shaking?" I hold my shaky hand out to prove my point and he rolls his eyes.

"You had nothing to worry about. You have a nice voice." I blush at this and mutter a small,

"Thank you." My eyes widen in realization, "Wait, it's your turn now." I smirk and Tyler looks around nervously.

"Maybe next time. Let's go." He says quickly and grabs my wrist, pulling me out of the karaoke bar.

"Hey! That's not fair, I just sang in front of a room of people. And you told me you would sing too." I protest and rip my wrist away from his grip.

"I lied."

"Whatever, I'm going home." I say angrily and storm away from him.

"Heather, don't be like that." I hear him say, but I ignore his pleas and make my way home.

I enter my apartment and angrily toss my purse onto the couch. I can't believe him. I know I shouldn't be getting so mad, but I can't help it. I had to face my fear and sing, and I did it for him. He couldn't even do the same for me. What a jerk. There's a knock at my door, and I don't need to answer it to know who it is.

"Heather, please let me in." Tyler says from the other side.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." I say and I can hear him sigh.

"I'm sorry that I upset you." I don't answer him and the other side of the door is silent. Maybe he left. I suddenly hear a voice singing but I don't recognize the song, so I open the door a little to hear it better. The singing stops and I open the door all the way to reveal Tyler.

"Was that you singing?" I question and he nods hesitantly.

"Yeah, I was singing this song by Ed Sheeran. It's been stuck in my head all week and it reminds me of you." He continues to sing it and watch me. I recognize the song as "All of the Stars" and I blush. He stops singing and chuckles, "I kind of forgot the words."

"That's okay, your voice isn't as good as Ed's anyways." I tease and Tyler laughs.

"Gee, thanks. I come to apologize by singing to you and you throw it in my face." He jokes. "Is my apology accepted at least?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yes, thank you. Despite your flakiness I actually had a good time so yeah." I admit and Tyler smiles.

"That's all that matters. I'll see you at the game tomorrow. We'll go out after or something."

"Okay, sounds like a plan." He gives me a hug before making his way to the elevator. He disappears from sight and I head back into my apartment, humming "All of the Stars".

The song she sings is at the top/side just in case you wanted to hear it. It was a cover of Toxic by Melanie Martinez.

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now