Rubber Ducky

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I wasn't able to enjoy the rest of the road trip with the way my nerves were making me. Every time my phone rang, I would get chills, and shakily answer it.

None of those calls were from Mr. Handler though. I think Chris was making me wait in anguish for the dreaded phone call, but it never came. Not even a week after we got back from California.

"Heather!" I jump, shaken from my thoughts. Chris is making his way to me, and he's not alone. Beside him his a girl who looks exactly like him. She has the same dark curly hair, and hazel eyes. She's definitely pretty.

"What's up?" I ask and he puts his arm around the girl.

"This is my sister Anna. She's visiting for awhile, and I want you to keep her company whenever I'm busy." He basically orders. The first thought in my mind is to say no, but I'm still very threatened by him. At this point, we've come to a silent agreement that I just do whatever he says, and he won't rat on me.

"Nice to meet you, Anna. I'm Heather." I say as politely as I can. She eyes me up and down, and right away I know she is one of those girls. You know the ones I'm talking about. They can't see too far in front of them because their noses are stuck up in the air? Yes, those ones. By this time, Chris has already wandered off somewhere, leaving me alone with his sister.

"Whatever. Where's the locker room?" She says rudely.

"Right this way," I say with fake cheeriness in my voice. "Your highness." I mutter the last part, and lead her to the locker room. "Is everyone dressed?" I call into the room before we go inside. I hear shouts of yes and almost, so I walk inside with Anna behind me.

I see my boyfriend putting on his shirt and just admire the beauty of his back. Tyler sees me and grins. Before I can greet him, I hear an annoying voice from behind me.

"Ty!" Anna squeals and runs past me, pulling my boyfriend into a hug. Tyler's face shows a bit of shock and confusion. He has no idea what to do. I look at Jamie questioningly and he just shrugs as if to say 'this is none of my business'.

"Tyler, can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask impatiently. He nods and hurriedly follows me out of the locker room.

"What the hell is she doing here?" He asks, clearly panicked.

"Chris wants me to keep her company- wait, how do you even know her?" I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain himself.

"I may have slept with her. A few times." He confesses, and my blood boils.

"What the fuck does that mean." I demand and Tyler sighs.

"Okay, we kind of had a thing. But I broke it off because she was so clingy." He explains.

"That's cute." I say sarcastically.

"Just keep her away from me, please." He begs and I roll my eyes.

"Trust me. I hate her being near you just as much as you do. I'll keep her away." I tell him and he gives me a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you." We go back into the locker room and I see Anna hanging onto just about every player. Slut.

"C'mon Anna, time to go. I'll show you around the stadium." I say and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Fine." This should be fun.

I'm exhausted when I finally step inside my apartment that day. Anna was a handful. I can't believe Chris is making me 'babysit' her. She's a grown woman, why does she need my company?

After I finish up some of my work, there's a knock on my door. I open it to see Tyler. Naked. He's grinning from ear to ear, and my eyes travel down his body. He is holding a rubber duck to cover his...well you know.

"What are you doing?" I blush. One of my elderly neighbors chooses to come out of her apartment at this time, and freezes when she sees Tyler. "Sorry!" I call to her, and then pull Tyler inside.

"Like my surprise?" He asks with a smug look.

"Are you crazy?" I ask, a loud laugh escaping my mouth.

"A little. I knew you would be upset after today, so I thought I would cheer you up."

"This does cheer me up a little. How did you get up here without getting arrested?"

Tyler smirks, "I undressed in the elevator."

"Oh my God. You really are crazy. But, tell me you didn't leave your clothes in the elevator." I say hopefully, and his eyes go wide.

"Shit." He runs out of my apartment, and I admire his bare ass as he goes. What? Girls can do it too. I laugh when he finally comes back, holding his clothes in his arms.

"Now that you have your clothes, why exactly are you here?"

"For this." He throws his clothes on the ground, along with the rubber duck. Then he climbs on top of me, connecting his lips with mine. Maybe today isn't so bad after all.

"I've never been to your place." I realize as Tyler and I snuggle on my couch together.

"You're right. Well, I was thinking of having a party. Want to come?" He asks.

"Sure. Who else is gonna be there?"

"Probably the team, and a few other friends. Nothing too big." He says and I'm actually pretty excited about it. Parties aren't usually my thing, but this sounds fun.

"Okay. I can't wait."

"So, what's going on with you and Chris?" He asks as he traces my arm with his finger tips.

"I don't know. I think we've just come to this silent agreement that I have to do what he says, or he'll tell Mr. Handler about you and me." I reply. I feel Tyler tense up.

"I hate that he has this control over you."

"Me too, but I really can't do anything if I want to keep my job."

"I guess you're right. I'm sure everything will work out though."

"I hope so." I really hope so.

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