Stay the Night

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"So, what now?" I ask Tyler as we exit the stadium. The Stars had won the game 2-1 in OT, so a lot of the guys were thriving from it.

"Now, we party." He smirks and I gulp nervously.

"Um, I have to write up the interview so I should get home." I tell him nervously and he clutches my hand to keep me from leaving. I feel a zing from his touch and hurriedly pull my hand from his. He gives me a confused look before saying,

"At least have a drink with me, then I'll walk you home." He reasons and I hesitate.

"Fine, one drink."

Tyler orders two glasses of whiskey and I shutter when I take a sip.

"This is strong." I cough a little and Tyler chuckles.

"Sorry, I forgot you're a lightweight." He teases and I laugh.

"You didn't forget. You just like to see me suffer." I joke and he lets out a loud laugh.

"You know me so well."

"Of course I do, you never leave me alone." I tease him.

"Don't act like you don't like me being around. You and I both know that there's something between us." He states and I feel my face flush and I don't answer. Tyler smirks, knowing he's right. I finish my drink and stand up.

"Well, I should head home so I can work." Tyler nods and follows me out of the bar.

"So teach me more about the stars." He says while staring at the night sky as we walk down the streets of Dallas.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"How did you get so involved and interested in them in the first place?" He questions.

"Honestly, I'm not really sure. I mean, one day I just found a book in the library and it happened to be about constellations and the different stars and signs. And from that day on, I was hooked." I reply, thinking back to the hot summer day when I stopped by the library to cool down in the air conditioned building.

It's funny that I wasn't even in there to check out a book, I just didn't want to be in the heat. But, I found that book anyways; like I was meant to find it.

"Really? It was just that easy, there's no like dramatic story?" He asks and I chuckle.

"Nope. Sorry my life isn't interesting."

"That's not true. I'm sure your life is interesting. I mean, with the way you were raised you must have tried sneaking out like a thousand times." I become silent and sheepish.

"I've actually never disobeyed my parents before. Not even when they told me I couldn't go to prom." I admit and Tyler's eyes widen immensely.

"You didn't even go to prom? I thought that was every girls dream. You must have been pissed."

"I was heartbroken more than anything. But, they're my parents so ya know that's life." I shrug. Tyler shakes his head.

"No, no that's not okay. Every girl deserves to go to prom and dance under the stars with a handsome date." He rants and I give him a strange look.

"Why are you getting so upset? I'm not even as mad as you and it happened to me." I laugh and Tyler gives me a serious look.

"Because I know that deep down it matters to you. Even if you won't show it." I just roll my eyes at this.

"It really doesn't matter all that much. I'm over it now." I mutter and Tyler scoffs.

"Sure." We continue walking and I notice that Tyler has his phone out and is searching something. He gives me a devious grin and begins playing a slow song on his phone. He grabs my waist, stopping me in my tracks, and pulls me close to him. I gasp in shock, the zing from earlier is nothing compared to this zap of electricity and I feel as though my knees will give in at any second.

"What are you doing?" I whisper quietly, and he gives me a smile. Not a smirk, but a real genuine smile and my heart wants to escape my chest because of it.

"I'm giving you the slow dance under the stars you missed out on." He whispers back. Now I'm sure my heart is going to beat right through my chest and I say,

"You must be the handsome date."

"If you want me to be, then I am."

"Believe me, I want you to be. So bad." I confess, and I feel color rush to my cheeks. I can't believe I admitted that out loud. Tyler's eyes flicker to my lips, then back up to my eyes, practically asking for permission. I give him a short nod, and he grins, leaning in to connect our lips.

As soon as his lips meet mine, I swear my knees would have caved in if he wasn't holding me so tightly. My hands make their way to his hair and his hands grip my waist tightly. I moan, wanting more and he takes full advantage by sliding his tongue into my mouth. I've had experience with kissing guys before, but kissing him was an experience all on its own.

I wasn't thinking about the consequences, just about the heaven I was in when he kissed me. We finally pull away in order to catch our breath and we are both speechless.

"That was...I mean you weren't kidding when you said there was something between us." I stutter and Tyler is just looking at me, stunned.

"Yeah, I didn't even know how right I was."

"Take me home now?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Yeah." he breathes out.

We linger at my door again, and Tyler leans in to hug me, but I pull him by his collar and connect our lips again. He is surprised by my sudden actions, but almost immediately kisses me back.

I pull him into my apartment, and we make our way to my bedroom. As he pushes me down on the bed, I realize how wrong this is. I could get fired or in serious trouble for getting involved with Tyler. But as I admire his tattooed arms and his solid abs, I only care about what he makes me feel. He makes me feel like there are no consequences for our actions. Only pleasure.

He pulls my shirt off, much like I had done to him a few seconds ago, and begins to unclip my bra. As soon as I'm exposed to him, he plants kisses all over my chest and neck. I fumble with his pants, but eventually I get them off and he slips my pants off as well. He flips us over so I'm now on top of him and I return the favor of planting kisses all over his body.

That night, for the first time in my life, I didn't care about the consequences. I only cared about the undeniable attraction between Tyler and I. The chemistry of our bodies connecting. We fit together like puzzle pieces. And the crazy thing is that I didn't take this job looking for Tyler. But I found him anyway; like I was meant to find him.

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now