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I zip up my suitcase and sit by the door, waiting for Tyler and Jamie. We're leaving for the road trip today and they're my ride to the airport. There's a knock on my door and I open it immediately.

"Whoa, excited much?" Jamie teases and I chuckle.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just eager to go somewhere that's not Texas." I answer sheepishly and Tyler grins, pulling me into a hug.

"You are-"

"Adorable, I know." I finish the sentence, rolling my eyes and Tyler chuckles. He gives me a peck on the lips and says,

"Well you are."

"Okay, that's enough of your mushiness. Let's go." Jamie says and Tyler grabs my suitcase. I lock up my apartment and follow them down to Jamie's car.

"So, where exactly are we going on this road trip?" I question as we begin driving to the airport.

"California." Tyler answers, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Really? I've never been to California!" I exclaim excitedly. I've actually never been outside of Texas.

"Well, it's going to be great. You'll love it there. We're going to be playing the Sharks in San Jose, which is a nice place. Then, we're playing the Ducks in Anaheim, and last we're playing the Kings in L.A." Jamie says and my eyes widen when he says L.A.

"Oh, L.A. is going to be great. We should go to Hollywood too!" I suggest and Tyler laughs at my excitement.

"Don't worry babe, we'll get to everything." We get to the airport and I have to part ways with Jamie and Tyler. The team gets their own plane, while staff takes another.

"Wait, I've never been on a plane before." I am suddenly panicked as I realize this fact. Tyler pulls me into his arms and holds me close.

"You have nothing to be afraid of. If you get nervous, just look at this and think of me." Tyler says quietly and slips something into my hands. Before I can look at what he gave me, I hear an unwanted voice call out to me.

"Heather, ready to go?" Chris asks and I pull away from Tyler quickly.

"Uh, yeah." I answer and Chris looks between Tyler and I suspiciously. I can feel Tyler become tense as he realizes I'll be flying with Chris instead of him.

"See you in Cali." Jamie deflates the situation and gives me a quick hug before dragging Tyler to where the rest of the team is waiting. I walk with Chris to our own flight and take a deep breath when I sit down. Much to my dismay, Chris sits next to me. I turn my body away from his, sending the signal that I don't want to speak to him.

I'm thankful he doesn't say anything about taking me out to dinner before the plane takes off. As we gain speed down the runway, I become very uneasy. Remembering that Tyler gave me something, I pull the object out of my pocket and see that it is a necklace with a star on it.

Engraved on the star are the words "If the stripes keep us apart, I will write your name up in the stars and think of you" I have to squint to read it, but as soon as I do, I feel my heart melt. This is the sweetest thing Tyler has done for me. My nerves suddenly extinguish, and before I know it we are thousands of miles in the air, on our way to California.

As I step off the flight, I notice that Chris has been keeping his distance from me, and I'm relieved by it. We take the shuttle to the hotel and I find my room. As I get comfortable, there is a knock on my door. I open it to reveal Tyler. Before I can utter a word, he grabs my face and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. I walk backwards and he kicks the door shut, his lips still attached to mine. I fall back onto the bed, and he climbs on top of me.

"What's gotten into you?" I ask, breathless.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you the whole flight. I want you." He practically growls and I'm turned on immediately. He connects our lips again, and I feel him playing with the necklace he gave me. His hands begin to trail down my chest. Right when it's getting good, there is another knock on my door, and I hear Chris' voice.

"Heather, are you in there?" He asks and I push Tyler off of me.

"Hang on!" I call out. "Get under the bed." I whisper urgently to Tyler and he gives me a look.

"I am not getting under your bed." He whispers back and I shove him into the closet instead. I fix my hair and straighten out my clothes before opening the door.

"What's up?" I ask and Chris looks past me and into my room.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asks as he notices my bed is completely messed up and disheveled.

"Oh, uh no. I was just looking for an...earring. But I found it." I answer stupidly and Chris nods his head, pretending to believe me.

"Right, well the first game is in a few hours so we need to get to the arena. We're taking the shuttle with the rest of the team so be ready in a half hour." He tells me and I nod.

"Okay, see you in a half hour." I tell him and basically slam the door in his face. Tyler steps out of the closet and chuckles.

"You weren't obvious at all." He says sarcastically and I slap his arm.

"Shut up. I wouldn't have been in that situation if it weren't for your lack of controlling your hormones." I point out and Tyler smirks.

"Oh come on, you had just as much to do with it as I did." I blush a little and cross my arms.

"Whatever. You have a game to get ready for. I'll meet you on the shuttle bus." I mutter and Tyler laughs, but pulls me in for a kiss.

"Okay, see you in a bit. That necklace looks good on you by the way." He winks and I smile sincerely at him.

"Thank you, I really love it." I say and Tyler grins.

"I'm glad you love it. As soon as I saw it, I thought of you." He tells me and gives me another kiss.

"Okay, you really have to go now." I joke and Tyler laughs.

"Okay, see you soon." He looks through the peephole and then quietly leaves. I sit down on my bed and let out a breath I had no idea I was holding in. As I sit and think about what just happened five minutes ago, I want more than anything for Tyler to come back and finish what he started. Damn it, now I'm the hormonal one.

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now