Time Will Tell

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Just a warning; A lot of shit goes down in this chapter. But don't worry, it's not the end! Enjoy ;)

I pull up to the address Tyler texted me, and I am stunned. Damn this place is huge. It makes my apartment look like a shack. The door is wide open, so I make my way inside and it looks like the party has been going on for days. The music is blaring, and I immediately find Jamie. He's behind the bar, pouring drinks for a few guys. I walk over to him and lean against the bar counter.

"Heather! What can I get you?" He asks.

"Hey Jamie. I'll have a beer for now." I say and I notice the two other guys that were here before me are eyeing me up and down.

"Hey cutie, wanna dance?" One of them asks, and I shake my head.

"Sorry boys, I don't think my boyfriend would be too happy about that." I answer and Jamie hands me a beer.

"Well, call me when things don't work out with your boy toy." The other one says and I chuckle. They are clearly drunk, so I humor them.

"Sure thing guys." They go to another area of the house, and I turn back to Jamie.

"Speaking of my boyfriend, where is he?"

"I'm not sure. Check the backyard." He says, and I make my way to where I'm assuming the backyard is. As soon as I step outside, I see something I wish I hadn't. Tyler with Anna clinging to his side. She is all over him, and he doesn't seem to be making an effort of pushing her off. I feel jealousy bubble through me, and Tyler sees me.

"Heather! Are you ready to partyyy?" He calls to me with a drunken smile. His eyes are a gleaming bluish green color, glossed over a bit because of his alcohol consumption. I look to Anna who has a devious smirk on her face, and it takes all my strength to not smack it right off of her.

Deciding that I don't feel like dealing with her attitude tonight (I get enough of it at work), I shake my head, turn around and walk back inside. I knew there was a reason for my lack of partying. I'm headed for the door, but run into a hard body before I can escape.

"Oh sorry- Heather?" I look up to see Chris standing in front of me. Great, this is just what I need. Seriously, who invited them?

"It's fine, I have to go." I mutter and try to step around him. He blocks my path again.

"Hey, what's the rush? Let me get you a drink to make up for running into you." I hesitate a little, but then glance out to the backyard and see that Anna is still with Tyler. I gulp and look back to Chris.


"You're drunk." Chris states and I giggle.

"Noo, I'm just tipsyyy." I reply and Chris chuckles.

"Sure." We had migrated into a more isolated part of the house and had a few shots. Well, he had two and I had about five.

"So, who invited you and Anna?" I ask bluntly.

"Tyler did. I guess he really wanted to see Anna." Chris answers, and I'm not sure I believe him. Tyler wouldn't invite them; especially if it meant that Chris was coming too. He hates the fact that Chris has more than friendly feelings for me. Wait, why am I even hanging out with him again?

"I should go find him actually. He's probably wondering where I am." I say and try to stand up. Chris clutches my hand and pulls me back down. I lose my balance easily and fall into his lap.

"Wait, stay a little longer." He whispers, pushing a piece of hair from my face. I struggle to escape his grasp, but it's no use.

"No, I have to find Tyler. Let me go." I beg, but he tightens his grip.

"Why do you like him so much? I wouldn't be hanging out with another girl if I had one like you." He says. His face is getting closer to mine, and I try moving away. He holds my wrists with one hand, and grips my face with the other. Suddenly, his lips are pressing against mine forcefully. I try pulling away, but his grip on me is too strong.

"Heather, what the fuck is going on?" Chris finally releases his grasp on me, and I look up to see Tyler.

"Tyler, plea-" I start to say, but he interrupts me.

"No. Tell me what the fuck is going on." He demands. I am in too much shock from the previous events and being tipsy, that I'm stumbling over my words.

"You don't understand. It's not what it loo-" I try to explain, but he interrupts me again.

"I don't understand? No, I understand perfectly. Anna was right; you were trying to hookup with Chris. I thought I knew you. I thought you were different." His voice is venomous, but it cracks at his last words and I can actually feel my heart break.

"Please, let me explain." I beg, tears streaming down my face.

"Save it for someone who cares." He mutters and walks out. I glare at Chris, who gives me a smug look, and this time I don't stop myself from slapping it off his face.

"You fucking planned this out." I accuse and Chris shrugs, rubbing the spot I hit him.

"So what if I did? You really shouldn't have hit me you know. I'll just have to tell Mr. Handler about your little escapades with Seguin."

"Fucking do it then." I growl and walk away from him. He already ruined my relationship, why would I want to stick around for Tyler to hate me? I step into the main room and start walking for the door. Before I exit, I glance up and see Tyler. I'm not surprised by the leech that is clung to him. Tyler spots me and my eyes connect with his dull ones.

His eyes scare me the most. They scare me more than him yelling at me, more than his look of anger, and more than the way he makes me feel. They scare me more than the way he pulls Anna into a messy kiss, and the way he does it just to spite me. His eyes scare me more than any of those things because they once carried a beautiful gleam to them. Now they are gray. Utterly and devastatingly gray.

I know Jamie is watching me as I walk out. He is probably confused along with Jordie and Lehtonen. I know that only time will tell what my future holds now. Not the stars, not my horoscope, not even my heart.

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now