¤Chapter Five¤

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"Ah!" I yelp in shock. I turned my head and saw Sun, with his smile as bright as ever. I then laughed at this. "Well, hello to you too."

"I missed you!" He said as loud as he typically does.

"I was gone for like... 5 minutes," I said with a confused look.

Sun removed his arms from me. He stepped back and pouted... well... I could guess he pouted. I can't really tell with his constant smile. "That's too long..."

"You're so silly. It's cute," I said with a small giggle after. Then, I realized what I said and pretended not to be mentally fighting myself over it.

He looked at me. His head... faceplate... tilted to the side. "Cute? You think I'm cute."

"Uh... in a way, yes! I do," I gave a closed-eye smile before I was tackled to the ground in a hug. I opened my eyes to see Sun hugging me. He soon let go and placed his arms next to my head to help himself get up. His eyes met mine, and only then did I realize the type of position we're in. I could swear I heard his internal fans beginning to overheat... did... did he know what kind of position this is typically used for?

He backed away and stood up with a nervous laugh. And as I stood up too, he said, "Hehe, sorry..."

So, he was most likely aware of what sex was. I was only aware as Cindy programmed it into me. That bitch knew damn well what she was doing... and yes... she added the ability to swear, so I'd be more... humane acting.

But, I know not to swear around the children... or Sun. Even after hours, he's kind of strict with rules, not as strict as before, though.

"Hey, Sun," I began. Sun's attention was brought back to me. "Moon comes out every... last five minutes of every hour, right?"

"Yes, why?" Sun asked. He didn't seem worried to let Moon our after-hours. "Although, I might let him out more after-hours if he enjoys being around you. So that way, he can be fixed easier."

"Alright then, the reason I asked was because it's about... 11:53, give or take," I said as I read my internal clock.

He seemed... shocked. "Oh? Already? Well, hopefully you don't get too scared by him... as most people say he's horrific, I don't, though."

"I'm sure I'll be fine. I am an animatronic, Sun, don't forget that," I said with a simple shrug.

"Right... you're just so... human..." he said.

I nodded with a smile, "That's the intended purpose."

And just like that, the lights began to turn off. I looked at Sun, curious to see him transform.

It looked so... fascinating.

Moon's eyes glowed a red color, signifying he's fully active now. He looks at me and just stares. Then, he walks over to me and feels me. His cold hands touched my arms and poked at my cheeks. (Face cheeks. Not ass cheeks.) He let out a small, kind of gravely giggle. "You're an animatronic, but feel human... just as Sun told me."

"You two can talk with each other?" I asked curiously.

"Of course. But only if we please to," he said with another low chuckle following. "Aside from that, I must say, you did a very good job helping the kids sleep."

I smiled at his words, "Oh, thank you, Moon." I had actually begun to do my scan over his system, as we talked. He wasn't as... hyper as Sun, so it made it easier. Soon, I found... something...

I must've made a confused face as Moon broke the silence we had made. "What's with that look?"

"It's nothing... but uh..." I tried to find the right words for it. "You seem to have a few wires misplaced and... missing..."

He came closer to me. His face was basically in mine. "What do you mean?"

"I said what I said. My scanners are more advanced, so I can see the wires of the animatronic I wish to look at... and yours are... not correct," I explained as I quickly scanned over his ai programming, too. Funnily enough, something was wrong there, too. "There's an incorrect coding error as well as an additional coding that is... out of place."

"How the hell can you see that?!" He said in a shocked tone of voice.

I looked at him. "I already said this, I'm more advanced in my scanning systems. I can see things like this."

He stayed silent... but only for a moment. "Can it be fixed? Is this why I've been violent around children?"

"Yes and yes," I said immediately after.

Moon, already being so close to me, wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I hugged him back in a similar way, not too tight, not too loose. He, despite being purely metal, was very... comfortable to hug. I'm sure I am the same way to him, but mine was intentionally designed.

His head tilted up so he could look me in the eyes. "Y/N."

"Yes, Moon?"

"Would it be possible for me and Sun to not have permanent smiles on our faceplate?"

"I could ask."


I think Moon's first interaction with you went quite swell.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

902 Words

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