¤Chapter Eight¤

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I groan silently. Today was tiring, and I swear the kids are being so destructive on purpose. I'm meant to care for these kids, but I really don't even want to do my programming. Was this how Sun and Moon felt?

As of right now, the kids are playing around... in a harsh way. They're over here pushing each other around, punching and kicking the others, making fun of them, and they even purposely got up into places that Sun and I don't like going to. I pinch at my nose bridge and sigh.

Sun's hand was on my shoulder. I turned my head toward him. The look of tiredness was in my eyes, but not my face. "Yes, Sun?"

"Y/N," Sun said with a slight hint of worry. "You seem really tired... what's wrong?"

I smiled and shook my head. "I'm not tired. It's just... these kids are... they're definitely doing this on purpose, and it bothers me."

"Oh, they're just... hyper," he gave a small laugh. "They are doing this on purpose, but that's my fault..."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What?"

"Yeah," he said. "I accidentally left the Sunnydrops out in the open, and they... they took them all."

I stared at Sun. "Are you serious?"

"Sorry," he nervously rubbed his neck.


I ran after a little girl who had begun the game of tag. I was tagged, and I needed to play. She was very fast, and the other kids were hiding, doing something else, or running around sparraticly in the game of tag.

"You can't get me, bitch!" The little girl yelled as she turned her head toward me. Because of that, she ended up bumping into Sun. I slowed my running and came up to her.

Sun crouched down in front of her. "Hailey, no swearing! Especially to Mx. Y/N."

"Sorry, Mr. Sun..." she said quietly.

I also crouched down to her height level. I gently picked her up. "Hailey, you've had this warning already... you know what's going to happen."

"Time out...?" Hailey mumbled.

Both me and Sun nodded. She let out a small sigh and accepted the punishment of ignoring the rules. I carried the small girl over to the timeout corner. I placed her down and left. Despite not being supervised, the kids never leave the corner, mainly because they knew that if they were caught, they would have a different punishment.

None of the kids knew what the other punishment for leaving the corner was, but they just knew that they didn't wish to find out. I had a brief idea, and just even the thought of it made me shiver. Basically, the idea I had of the other punishment was... well... going inside the old naptime room. We don't use it since it's so dusty and has some pretty... eare atmosphere. I haven't had it confirmed, but it's the only thing I can think of that would even let that room still be... unlocked. The kids never went there, thankfully. Probably because they fear that they'll get hurt.

Suddenly, I feel someone tug at my pants leg. I looked down and saw Chris. I crouched down and picked him up. He liked being held like this whenever he wanted to ask something. "Hey, Evan, what is it?" I gently asked with a soft smile.

"I'm tired... can I nap...?" He asked quietly.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course you can, but you know pick up is soon, right?"

"Uhuh," he nodded. "I just wanna nap..."

I held him in my arms, almost as if I was cradling a baby, "Alright, Chris, go ahead and nap."

"Thank you, mama/papa," he muttered as he snuggled into my hold.

He always called me that. It made me feel happy that I seemed like his mom/dad. He had lost his mother/father a while ago, and the other one didn't bother enough with his existence. He has an older sister and brother, who both care deeply for him. Those two typically pick him up every day. It just makes my heart melt at their sibling bond.

In just a few minutes, parents were at the daycare doors. I opened them up, still holding Chris in my arms. One by one, the kids left the daycare. Evan's siblings were typically the last ones to pick up their little brother. I had him in my arms, and I sat in the chair behind the desk, gently cradling him in my arms.

Sun walked up to the desk and hopped onto it. He looked at me with that forever grin. "His siblings aren't here yet?"

"They typically don't show up till it's nearly closing, you know this," I said quietly.

He let out a small sigh. "It gets later, and later, every day... I'm worried they won't show up and Moon will..."

"Sunny, listen... When I scanned him, there was a coding, and it only made him aggressive during the actual opening hours. After that, he's calm," I said in a rather calm tone.

He went silent for a moment. He was either talking with Moon or thinking about things. "So... do you think you could fix Moon?"

"I'm not exactly sure, since I'm not programed with it, but... maybe I could ask Cindy and Mike. They don't nessessarily work on you two, but maybe they know how to do that..." I said with a hint of unsurity.

Soon, Evan awakened from his nap. He looked at me, then at Sun. He looked rather upset.

"You're awake," I said softly as I repositioned him in my arms. "Your siblings aren't here yet."

He then wrapped his arms around himself in a self-hug. "They aren't here...?"

"Sorry, bud," I gently rubbed my hand on his head. "But, they should be here soon."

Sun stared at me as I talked so softly with Chris. He knew it was part of my programming, but he was still amazed by it. I think it's because, even with his programming, he wants to not care for the kids. Evan had small tears in my eyes, and I rubbed them away with my thumbs.

It took only a few more minutes before his sister opened the daycare doors. She had her hair tied up in a bun. She looked panicked. I also found it weird that the older brother wasn't here either.

"Oh... sorry I was so late," she said apologeticly. "Cole got into a fight with... our parent... and I had to take him to the hospital."

I stood up and handed Elane her brother. She took him in her arms carefully. "It's no problem, I enjoy looking after him, especially since he's so cute."

She laughed a small bit. "That's fair. He is adorable, well, he should be back here tomorrow. Bye." She waved with one hand and left with Evan in her arms.

Sun and I waved back. Then, I let out a tired sigh, I don't think I charged last night... I don't remember doing so, at least. Sun put his hand on my back, making me look at him. I smiled, "Before you ask, I'm fine."

"If you say so..." he took his hand off my back and just stared at me.

It would only be about half an hour later when the lights automatically turned off. When they did, Moon was coming out, and Sun was... taking a little rest?

But... Moon didn't speak, even when I greeted him. He just stared at me and watched my every move. I felt like something was wrong... so I scanned him. And just like that... I saw what was wrong. That code... it became more advanced somehow...

As I was deep in thought, I was brought out by being tackled down...

I had a bit of trouble ending the chapter, so I hope it turned out well.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

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