¤Chapter Twelve¤

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"This damn thing is finally fucking done..." Sora sighed as he stood up. He turned Moon on, but the process was taking too long, so he hit the back of his head with a wrench.

Moon's head snapped up, and he glared at his mechanic. "There was no need for that..."

"It was my day off, dipshit," he rolled his eyes. "You're lucky I care enough to had even fixed your fucking wires... and face plate, as request of the other bitch."

"Don't call Y/N a bitch," Moon said in a rather upset tone of voice, knowing damn well Sora was talking about me. He fully stood up, still glaring at the man.

I stepped closer to them and placed my hands on their chests, keeping them apart. "Hey, now, don't argue." I said softly. I moved my head to look at Sora, and I sent a small glare at him, "Please, don't call me a bitch, I've said that." I look at Moon, not saying anything, just staring.

Sora clicked his tongue in annoyance and then went off on his way, sending a wink at Cindy, also saying, "Remember! You pay for breakfast!" Cindy responded with the middle finger.

"Listen... Y/N..." he began. He seemed stuck on what to say. "I- I'm sorry."

I moved away from him with my arms crossed. "Did Sun see any of it?" I was only met with silence. I raised an eyebrow and looked back at Moondrop. "Well?"

"N-no...?" His word sounded more like a question.

I sighed and pinched my nose bridge. "He did, didn't he?"

"All of it..."

I widened my eyes. "ALL OF IT!? Moon, what the -" I paused, taking a breath. "I want to speak with Sun, only."

Moon nodded slowly at my words. He walked over to the light switch and made the lights turn on, allowing Sun to come out. He immediately ran up to me and hugged me tight. Thankfully, he didn't tackle me...

"Y/N, you're alright now. Right?" He sounded very panicked and worried.

"I'm fine now," I said with a soft smile. I reassured him over and over again because he was so worried.

He moved away from the hug he gave me. "So why did you want to talk with me?" He tilted his head as well as actually smiled in anticipation. "Oh, Moon can't hear us."

"I know he's fixed now, but... I'm scared of him..." I said quickly. I was surprised to know that Sun did understand the words I said, probably because the kids spoke like that on the regular.

He just stared at me. I could tell he didn't know what to say. Sun was... stunned. After all, I wasn't scared of him before. But, not only was he stunned, he was sad. Sad that I feared his other half. Upset that I may never trust him again.

"I also wanted to be sure that you're okay, especially from seeing... everything," I gave him another smile. This one is a very unsure smile.

He shrugged his shoulders and just made a small hum sound. He wasn't sure whether he was okay or not, which was weird.

Then, I felt a weird feeling. It wasn't an emotion, I'm sure of that. It was more so... a thought that might just be true. And, I've seen Sun lie to kids for obvious things, and I almost believe him because I know it's a lie. But what if... he lied to me, and Moon was listening to us the whole time...?

It's a quick chapter, but it's fine, right?

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

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