¤Chapter Ten¤

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Cindy gave me a soft smile before looking at Moon with a glare. "Moondrop, you're fucking lucky we can fix them. If we weren't able to, or they were human, you would've been scrapped immediately."

Moon seemed to freeze. I wasn't sure what he was doing because I couldn't use my scanners. He doesn't seem to be speaking with Sun because he's only staring at us. Every step we take, he watches.

I looked at Moon, and his eyes soon met my own. He seemed... upset. Not at anyone else, but rather himself. The look in his eyes made me believe it was that coding and not him.

"Y/N, I-" Moon began to speak, but Cindy held up her hand, making him stop talking.

"Zip it," she sent another glare at him. "Moon, you are going to be in a separate room while I fix Y/N."

He stared at the ground. He would he frowning if he didn't have that smile... maybe I can ask about that, and since I can see the misplaced wires and wrong coding. I can ask Cindy to fix him! I'm sure she would so he doesn't hurt me or anyone else!

Cindy looked at me. "Come on, me and dad will fix you." She panned her attention to the moonman, "and you. Follow me."

With guilt in his eyes, he followed Cindy. She still carried me in her arms, surprised she could carry me...

It wouldn't take too long before she'd point at a room, indicating for Moon to go in there. And, he did. He walked inside the room, and then Cindy closed and locked the door right after. He still felt guilty, I'm sure of it... he looked at the ground for a moment... but then he looked back up, and the look in his eyes changed again.

The look was... more ruthless. He began to claw at the walls, door, floor, and somehow the roof, too.

"What has gotten into him?" Cindy said with disbelief. "If he continues like this, we'll have to decommission him... and Sun..."

Again, he froze. It seemed the talk or even mention of being decommissioned, scrapped, disregarded, or anything like that makes him stop being... damaging. He moved from the door and sat on the floor. The door was clear, so we could fully see him.

"Are you sure he can be right next to us while you fix me...?" I asked quietly. "I'm scared of him..."

The moment I said those words, he looked up. I could see the amount of regret and guilt in his eyes. He seemed so... heartbroken, but I'm not taking back my words until things get fixed. Slowly, he crawled to the door and stared at me. Only me.

"I'm sure," she said with a nod. "Besides, if he even breaks a hole, there's a shocking system, so he'll get shocked."

"Oh..." was all I said.

She grabbed the torn off arm that I had basically dropped when I fell. She looked at the wires that were accessible then at my arm, which still leaked out the crimson blood colored oil. She grumbled and threw the arm against the wall, making a dent. Moon and I both stared in shock.


She breathed in and out before pulling out her walkie-talkie. She spoke into it, "Dad, tell Fazbear to temporarily close the daycare."

She sighed, "Yes, I know, just -" she seemed to have been interrupted. "Dad. Close. The. Fucking. Daycare." She smiled, "Thank you, dad."

She put her walkie-talkie away and then walked up to me. She looked at the metal skin that was pulled off from my mouth. Cindy nodded slowly, understanding that my face could be fixed.

"I'm going to do so many fucking repares... dammit..." she mumbled before going to grab a tool kit and a bare arm that can be remodeled to fit me.

So, yeah... Cindy's mad... and it takes a lot to get her mad.

Now then! Have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

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