¤Chapter Sixteen¤

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He looked at me, confused and shocked. I gave a similar reaction. I JUST SWORE IN FRONT OF A FUCKING CHILD AND SUN! SHIT! Why did I do that...?

"...does that mean yes?" Sun said nervously, hoping I don't glitch out like that again.

"Yes... I suppose so..." I mumbled. I didn't get an error, which is good.

His face immediately lit up. He did a small little jump in joy. A small squeal left his mouth. "Yes!"

"You're so... silly, it's cute," I said with a smile.

I look at Chris in my arms, and I repositioned him to be held by one of my hands. I moved to Sun, and I kissed him.

"Wha -" he was stunned. His face heated up, and his internal fans were heard right after.

"I would want the lights off, but Evan doesn't like the dark, so~" I leaned closer, and I kissed him again. "That one was for Moon."

He smiled brightly as he covered his face with his hands. Sun loved it but was very embarrassed. "Moon's overheating too..." I heard him mumble.

A year later.

"NO! NO! NO!" I shouted as Mike and Cindy walked toward me with a saddened look.

"Y/N," Cindy spoke. "We have plenty employees, and so many want to work here... so we have -"

"Cindy~," Sun elongated his pronunciation. "You aren't removing our darling, besides, the kids see them as a parent, it would hurt their hearts to remove them."

"Sun, leave the conversation," Mike said sternly.

I sighed and watched Sun pout and leave to the kids. He whispered to them, and suddenly, a ton of small children ran up to me and tackled me to the ground. They climbed on me and hugged me, all saying mama/papa some even said mapa... unique name, but cute.

Cindy and Mike sighed and smiled. "Well, that makes it easier so we don't have to... ya know..." The daughter that worked on me said calmly. And just like that, they left.

Me, Sun, and the kids played all day. We played many games, such as Hide and Seek, tag, eye-spy, and much more. When naptime came around, all of them, except for those who hated the dark, loved seeing Moon. The ones who feared darkness cuddled me as my clothes glowed a nice amount.

Moon completely understood their fear. After all, just a year and a few months ago, everyone feared the animatronic. And now, they adored him!

And, Mike agreed to let Cindy re-apply my love emotion, but my old memories didn't restore... which is good.. because I didn't have to remember getting nearly killed by Moon, only nearly dying by Sarah's dad... uhm... It's a funny story, really...

I found out that when he first met me, he thought I was human, and he flirted with me. Then, when he went to work the next day, he found out I was an animatronic, so he was really annoyed by that fact and something else... and the near death experience happened, and he was fired after Cindy and Mike reviewed the recording I captured at that time.

Anyway, Sarah still shows up and always apologizes for her dad hurting me... and yes, the children know I'm an animatronic, but they all pinky promised to never tell another without asking. And they knew the unspoken rule of breaking a pinky promise makes you lose a pinkie.

(Do people get told this, or was it like... my family type of thing?)

I... I enjoy spending time with the kids and my boyfriends. And, I'm glad I can see the kids grow up and see their kids, so on... It might be odd, but kids and pets just always automatically get attached to me the moment they meet me.

That's the end! Sorry there wasn't much, I kinda ran out of ideas... uhm, the ending probably seems rushed.

Now! I've said this to... don't know how many. But! The story, the sequel some readers have been waiting for!!
-Reincarnated Past Lover-

The sequel to -The Pain Is Addicting-

Now, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

680 Words

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