¤Chapter Seven¤

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I sat on the edge of the ball-pit. My hands were holding my face, and I was contemplating my life choices.

Moon was most definitely overheating right now. Or he's regretting being my friend... we're we even friends!? Oh, god...

So, what happened... well... I held Moon's face and decided to just... I kissed him. Kind of. He couldn't really kiss me back since he has a forever-smiley face. After I did that, I jumped into the ball-pit, and now I'm here... it was an experience I would 100% do again.

"Y/N, I'm going to turn the lights on. The kids will be here soon... and I don't want to risk any... danger on them," Moon said from behind me suddenly. I turned around and looked at him. He seemed... genuinely happy from the kiss.

"Alright then... see you after hours again?" I said with a nervous smile. My nervousness left when I saw Moon happily nod. He then turned around and began to turn on the lights. Yeah, for some reason, the generators needed to be turned on every time the lights turned off, and fazbear made it a great idea to put generators in a CHILDREN'S playplace. Brilliant designing, I must say.


I was tackled in another hug by Sun. His grip on my body was tight, and he also buried his face in my shoulder. He must've really missed me, and honestly... this reaction of his was... cute.

"Sun, the kids will be here anytime now. You need to get off," I said as I gently patted his back.

He stood up, and thankfully, he wasn't hovering over me like he had the first time he tackle-hugged me. He used the wire to move him to the tower above the ball pit. I stood up and went to the daycare desk. I had a few things to do on it during the day.

And just like that, the kids were sliding in from the ball-pit. Some were brought from the door that's beside the desk. The kids ran in and began to run around and play. Meanwhile, their parents winked at me and gave a few flirts.

I just smiled and basically told them that I'm glad they brought their kid to us. I'm surprised people even bring their kids here with the history of the franchise... yeah... the computer has access to a lot of things that shouldn't be allowed to be seen while in a daycare, but whatever.

Short chapter, but whatever.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

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