¤Chapter Fourteen¤

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I was powered down... but I could hear everything. My vision isn't here anymore, I feel nothing. No pain, no joy, no sadness, nothing.

"Cindy, why the hell did you program them with the ability to love?" I heard Mike ask his daughter.

She didn't speak for a minute. "Well... we wanted them to be human, and... I figured that love would make them more human like..."

"Get rid of it."

"What!? Dad, No! I can't get rid of their love emotion. They'll forget how they feel about Sun and -" she was interrupted.

Mike sighed. "How they feel about the attendants isn't important. They'll be removed from the damn place the moment we get enough people hired."

"Dad... don't make me do that..." she sounded like she'd cry.

I don't know what stare Mike gave her, but I heard her sigh, and then my hearing stopped. I felt my wires being moved, and I felt things go away, then return.


I blinked my eyes open. This seemed oddly similar. My gaze shifted around the room. Cindy wasn't here, Mike wasn't either. Instead, in their place was a note.

I moved away from the chair and grabbed the note. I then read the note.

'Y/N, glad you're awake. You may feel a little weird than you did yesterday. That's because you have been repaired, and the new body parts and wires might feel different from the older parts.

The daycare has been closed, but Sun and Moon has already been sent back. We have made Sun clean up your oil as a punishment for hurting you.'

I stared in confusion. Then I turned mad. A punishment for SUN!? HE DIDN'T HURT ME! MOON DID, AND IT WASN'T HIS FAULT!

A sigh left my lips. I calmed down and just rubbed my nose bridge. The door of the room never seemed so far. I walked towards it, and as I did, I felt something was missing. Some... emotion... it felt like joy, but I still feel happy.

Walking to the daycare felt like it took hours, yet it took mere minutes. I stood at the door and slowly pushed it open. I peered inside and saw the lights off. My steps as I went toward the center echoed despite the floor being cushion.

"Moon?! Are you here?" I shouted. When I called for Moon, I felt the missing feeling even more. What was it? And... how do I know them? I feel like I knew them, but where did I know them from?

I heard the jingling of bells from the top of the play structure. "Y/N? We thought you were... gone.."

"Gone?" I tilted my head to the side.

Instead of an answer, I was tightly hugged. He slightly sobbed into my shoulder. I just patted his back. He then lifted his head and quickly kissed me.

My face formed a frown, and I shoved him off me. "Don't do... whatever that was again."

"But.. you kissed me before... what changed?" He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked in my eyes deeply.

I kept my frown. "I barely even know who you are, I don't know what a 'kiss' is, and stop touching me."

"What...?" He backed away, a heartbroken expression on his face. "You don't know me...?"

"All I know is that you're Moon, the other is Sun, you're both daycare attendants, and I'm your... assistant until Fazbear gets enough actual human employees," I said with a rather stern tone.

Moon seemed so... sad. His wire was brought down and attached to his back. He assended to the balcony. "The daycare is closed for a week." These were the last words he spoke before leaving into the room completely.

Why do I feel something missing... like a chunk of memory or an emotion.. Is there something wrong with me? Have I been tampered with... bugged even?

I felt tears roll down my face, not even realizing I was crying earlier. What is so wrong...?

Well... what could've happened?

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

685 Words

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