¤Chapter Four¤

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I sat nervously at the daycare desk. The kids' parents will be here to pick them up soon. Sun is playing with the children while they all wait. After the kids leave, I'll go back to Cindy and Mike, as they want to do a check weekly, and I'll ask them about this... bug in my program.

The door to the daycare opened, catching my attention. I looked over and saw a grown man standing there. I stood up and walked over to him. My scanners identified him as a safe adult. "Hello, sir, who are you here to pick up?"

"Well," the man winked at me. "My daughter Sarah, and... maybe your number?~"

I stared at him blankly. Was this... a flirt? I ignored it and turned around. "Sarah! Your dad's here!" I see the short blonde girl stand up and run over. She saw her dad and smiled brightly. She hugged my legs and said goodbye, then Sarah grabbed her dad's hand, and they both began to leave the daycare. I could've sworn I saw him smirk and wink at me again.

That was... weird...


"It was every other parent, Cindy!" I complained with my head in my hands. I let out a groan of annoyance. "Every other one..."

"Damn, me and Dad must've made ya real attractive then," she said with a small laugh. She patted my metal shoulder in a way to comfort me. "You'll get used to it. After all, most those parents are single. Single people tend to like hotties."

I sighed before I remembered the odd feeling I felt earlier around Sun. "Cindy?"

"Yes~?" Cindy said with an elongated vowel sound.

I looked her in the eyes and nervously asked, "Why do I feel so... happy around Sun?" I wasn't sure exactly how to explain it.

"Because it's an emotion?" She said in a confused tone as if the answer wasn't already obvious.

I shook my head. "No, no, not that type of happy. It's a different happy... one I don't feel around anyone else. Even thinking of Sun makes me feel it! Is this a program bug...?"

"Oh! No! That's a good thing... I think," she smiled brightly. "It's not a program bug. In fact, it's a common emotion people feel. It's the one those parents felt when they flirted with ya."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What?"

"Don't tell my dad this, but I programmed you with the additional emotion of love. So," Cindy paused with a clap of her hands. "You have a crush. A crush on Sun... maybe even Moon..."

I felt my face grow warm at the word "crush" as it shocked me. I didn't know I was programmed with this emotion!  "Oh! That's... that's interesting to know..."

"It is! And, you'll find out if you like Moon as well, once you meet him tonight. Since you won't need to charge for another few hours," she said with a friendly wink. I could tell the difference between friendly and romantic.

I smiled at the idea of meeting Sun's counterpart... and maybe even being able to help them out by finding that virus... coding thing.

Cindy looked at me and saw the look in my eyes. It was one of... love and anticipation to meet Moon. She laughed and patted my shoulder again before she walked away. It broke me from my thoughts, and I smiled as I walked myself back to the daycare. Luckily, I had the layout of how to get there in my head now. Along with the rest of the Pizzaplex, but still.

I opened the daycare doors and saw... no one. I told Sun I'd be back in a little while, so where was he? I stepped further inside and made it to the middle of the daycare... or the supposed middle. Then, out of nowhere, I felt someone hug me from behind.

Don't worry... you might see Moon next chapter.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

671 Words

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