¤Chapter Eleven¤

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The entire time Cindy worked on fixing me, I noticed Moon just stared. He wasn't talking with Sun, no, he just watched me get fixed. The look in his eyes said many things, but yet none of which I can tell exactly.

I tried not to look at him, which I knew hurt his feelings. My arm was, as of right now, being readjusted. The 'skin' around my mouth was fixed, my ankles were healed up, and any other damage I got from falling was also fixed up. My arm would take another few hours.


I was powered off for a while, and when I powered back on, I felt... confused. I looked at Moon and only felt fear. My scanners told me he was an immediate danger, but I still saw the coding and wiring that was fucked up.

Cindy moved away from behind me. She smiled as she saw I was awake. "Good, you're awake. I'm sorry if you feel anything different, I just had to shut something off."

"It's fine, don't worry," I returned the smile as I spoke. "Cindy?"

She hit a button on my head, making my arm twitch before closing the hatch, making it look like normal. "Yes?"

"Would you be willing to fix Moon?" I asked with hesitance.

She placed a hand on her hip, and she became slightly salty. "Oh... I would, but I don't know what's wrong with h-"

"I do. My scanners told me what was wrong," I interrupted. "I would fix him myself, but I'm not programed with that ability."

Cindy groaned in annoyance. "Fine. I'll... fix him." She said in a very salty tone while sending a glare at Moon.

She walked over to the room he had powered off in. She grabbed him and dragged him along the floor. He was placed in a chair, and she then turned to me. "Tell me what's wrong with the damn thing."

It felt wrong for me to hear him be called "thing," but I didn't say anything about it. "So... a few wires are misplaced, and his coding has an added bug that had advanced itself into activating after hours."

"Ugh... great... I have to get Sora to help with the coding," she groaned. Cindy got the walkie-talkie out again and called for Sora to come into the room.

It took a few minutes until the man showed up. He looked at me, then to Cindy, then to Moon finally. You see, Sora works on Sun and Moon mostly, but with Sun not having any issues, and Moon not being allowed out or around people, he doesnt really do much.

"What the hell is wrong that needs my help, bitch?" He asked placing his hand on his tool belt, that's around his hip. He grabs a hold of the wrench. "Do I get to destroy him?"

Cindy shook her head. "No, Sora, he's not getting decommissioned. But, Y/N, here can see what's wrong and why he's so violent."

"And you can't do it, because why?" Sora walked closer to Moon. He poked his head, seeing him not move. "Is it because my love doesn't know how to handle Moon even when deactivated?"

She rolled her eyes at him. "Shut up and help us, okay?"

"You're paying for my breakfast, okay darling?" He winked.

She sighed. "Fiiine... I'll pay for your food."

Sora smiled, and then he turned to look at me. "So, animatronic, care to tell me what's wrong?"

"I'd prefer being called Y/N, but whatever..." I shrugged before walking up to Moon and opening his chest up.

The man was confused before he took a good look at the wires. He stood up, went to the computer, and pulled up the manual for the wiring. "Huh... his wires are jumbled... and Sun's aren't?"

"His are fine. It looks like the ones for Moon only are messed up, but the conjoined ones are left alone," I spoke. "It's a possibility that the person who did this only wished to mess with Moon and his coding."

He turned around quickly and grabbed my shoulders. "I'm sorry... HIS CODING!?"

"Yes, sir, his coding is messed up," I said, not feeling any sort of feeling from his hold.

He backed away, running a hand through his hair. "Holy shit... Babe, how did you program this thing to see the wiring and coding?"

Cindy chuckled. "Don't worry about that. Dad and I can do great things."

Sora let out a sigh. I wasn't sure if it was an annoyed on or content one. He turned his body around and looked at me. With a smile, he said, "I'll get the wiring done first. The coding might take more time, and he'd need to be active for that."

"Alright," I smiled.

Sora got on his knees in front of Moon. He turned on his headlamp. The light shined inside Moon's chest, and with careful hands, he began to remove wires and re-insert them. Whenever Sora touched a wire, took one out, or out one in, it would cause Moon's body to twitch. He would pause whenever that happened, in case Moon woke up and freaked out.

Kinda boring, but eh, whatever.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

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