¤Chapter Nine¤

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TW: Violence

I grunted when I hit the ground. I looked up and saw Moon still staring at me. He looked... calm, but angry? I don't know how that works. His hands felt sharp on my metal body... that isn't a good thing, is it...?

One of his hands grips at my shoulder, digging into the shoulder blade. His hand gripped tighter and tighter, and then... he began to pull it off. I opened my mouth to scream, but he covered my mouth with his other hand.

He fully pulled that arm off. The wires connecting my shoulder to my arm were like nerves and veins, and with them pulled off my arm began to bleed out oil. Since I was made to be human, they got a special type of oil or something to make my oil blood colored... and made me have reactions and feelings like a human.

I shakingly moved my other, not torn off arm, to the one that held my mouth. I pulled it off, but I didn't realize he had a tight grip on the 'skin', meaning... when I pulled his arm off, he tore the flesh-like metal off my face, and I screamed. Loud.

"Moon! STOP IT!" I yelled in pain. I had tears in my eyes, and they didn't stay in my eyes. They poured out of my eyes down my face, almost constantly.

But he didn't stop. He only moved his hands to my throat and tried to choke me. He must've forgotten that I don't breathe that way. I don't breathe, actually. I just have my chest rise up and down and make quiet sounds to seem I'm breathing. I panicked, and then I began to kick. I kicked at his legs and chest. I used my other hand and punched him in the face.

All of those attacks made him recoil backward. I stood up, grabbed my arm, and just ran. I left the daycare in a rush. I knew Moon was allowed outside the daycare, so I had to run quickly. I stumbled often because the sensors that were given to me so I could feel pain were really intense. I understand why some people fear going into battle, because this fucking hurts!

"Get back here, Y/N!" I heard Moondrop yell from a good distance away.

I don't turn around and just keep running. I didn't bother responding either as I feared he'd catch up that way. All I hoped for was that Cindy or Mike was still here. If they weren't... then I'm screwed.

My vision went blurry for a moment. I don't know why Moon became so violent right now. I know I theoretically can't die, but it sure as hell will feel like it.

As I ran, my vision blurred in and out, making me not take notice of the relatively thick wire on the ground. I tripped and banged my body on the floor head first. I shakingly used my arm to push myself up. But before I could fully get up, I felt Moon grip my ankles. He began to harshly drag me away.

I gripped the wire with my hand and tried to kick Moon's hands off me. Sadly, I failed... well, kinda failed. He let go of one ankle but dug his nails into the other one. I screamed again and tried to kick his face. I actually did. He let go of my ankle, and I pulled myself up. I then ran, with a limp now. I 'breathed' heavily as I struggled to run. Moon wouldn't be stunned for too long, and the worst part is, he's fast when he wants to be... and with me being so slow... he can easily catch me again.

Still, with constant change of having blurred vision or not, I struggled to even move to get under a light. If I could at least get into one of the maintenance rooms or tubes, then I think I might be safe.

"Why do you run? I only want to treat you with respect," he said with a teasing tone, as if he knew damn well what he was doing.

I didn't turn around. I didn't even respond. I just continued to walk in a struggle. I heard him chuckle from behind me. If he could change his face, I could swear he'd have a big shit-eating grin on his face.

Then a thought hit me... he should've caught up to me by now... unless he was doing this on purpose. He was waiting till I turned around, then he'd jump on me, tear off my limbs, making me stuck on the ground slowly losing my oil until I should go into an automatic shut down... He's treating me like prey, giving me false hope of escape...

He seems to know what he's doing... which means he's done this before. I know he's a security bot, but he isn't programmed to hurt people unless they directly aggravate him. Which, I didn't do.

After a few minutes, I felt my legs begin to give out. I struggled to stay upright. But, soon, the ability to stand or even move wouldn't be possible. My body fell down, and I tried to brace myself with my lone arm, but I failed and only twisted my wrist. I let out sob after sob.

I felt soft, gentle hands wrap themselves around my arm, and they pulled me close to them. I looked at them and muttered, "Cindy...?"

I added some violence! What? You thought I was going to make Moon all nice and cuddly after hours? Well, not right now.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

956 Words

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