¤Chapter Six¤

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"So I just... jump?" I ask Moon as he stepped to the side of me. He was behind me, attaching the wire to the hook on my back that I have to hide constantly.

"Well, yes. The wire should be able to hold you up, and you can move around with it, just imagine you're swimming in the air," Moon said with his smile. I could tell that he would've actually given me a smile if it weren't for the damn permanent smile already on his face. I could also tell that Moon doesn't normally smile, but again has to.

"Oh, luckily, I was programmed to swim... for some reason..." I said quietly. I guess it was for the wire... but I'm not sure.

I then stepped forward nervously. I fiddled with my hands. What if the wire didn't support me and I fell... which would break my body. Moon noticed my nervousness and patted my shoulder. I looked him in the eyes, and he gave me an apologetic look. I was about to ask why he gave such a look, but he pushed me off the balcony.

I was so scared I forgot to scream. In a panic, I shut my eyes, but when I didn't feel the ground, I opened them back up and noticed the wire did, in fact, support my weight. My head tilted up toward where Moon stood. If he could change facial expressions, he would most definitely be smirking.

"I... hate you... so much..." I said slowly, fear began to leave my voice, being replaced with annoyance at Moon.

"You love me," he said without a thought. I could tell he didn't think about it because, after he fully registered his own words, he froze up while still looking at me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but if I did, it would either be confirming I love him or denying I love him, even as a friend. Staying silent would only go for the confirming answer... there's no right way to answer this fucking thing! I mentally panicked as I tried to think of a response that wouldn't make it seem like I despised him or had a crush on him.

"Wait... do you actually?" Moon asked with a tone that sounded as though he smirked.

"As a friend, yeah," I finally spoke. I was so confused about whether I had said the right thing or not.

I met them today, and I already have a crush on them! What the fuck is wrong with me!? This isn't a love at first sight thing is it... because I'm sure that's how most parents feel about me with love at first sight.

No, no, this is just a little puppy crush... that's the term for it, right? I don't like them... it's just that they're the first people I've met aside from Mike and Cindy...

"Oh, I figured as such," his voice sounded... disappointed... as if he wanted me to actually crush on him.

Silence filed the daycare...and yes, I was still just dangling in the air. I decided to try to actually move around with the wire. I moved my arms and legs in a swimming motion, and ya know... I actually moved. This was really fun.

After a while, though, I got a little bored. I looked up at the balcony and just saw Moon staring at me. If I could say anything about that gaze, then I'd say it was lovestruck. Like... he was in love with me, and just enjoyed me moving the same way he showed and told me to.

I slowly brought myself back up to the balcony, and after I stepped on it fully, I detached the wire from my back, watching it go back into the roof. I sat down next to Moon, my legs dangling off the edge. His hand slowly moved onto mine and held it gently. I smiled at the interaction.

"Moon..." I began. "I can hear your fans overworking themselves."

"Really?" I heard him chuckle in nervousness. "That's weird."

I look him in the eyes. "Moondrop, I can feel your hand overheating," I breathed in, "Your. Hand."

"Oh, that's... that's really odd," he looked away from my gaze.

I gently moved my hand from under his hand, and I held his... very flat, yet round face. "Moon."

I heard him mumble a brief two words... those words being "you're hot..."

I stared him in the eyes, and with a small smile, I spoke, "I heard that, Moondrop."

He froze, and I felt his face warm up intensely. His hands were put on top of my own hands, and they were beginning to feel as though they were overheating. I could hear his fans starting to overwork themselves.

I mentally said, "Fuck it."

I wonder what you did~

Will I confirm? Will I deny it? Who fucking knows! (Well, I mean, I do, but still.)

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

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