Prologue - 000

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We met on a staircase. He was descending while you were ascending. Neither of us had a reason to speak to one another, but for whatever reason... he stopped and looked back in my direction. You didn't see him out of my peripheral, no, but you could feel his eyes on you as you continued to climb the stairs. Maybe it was an accident: 'Perhaps he was confusing me for someone else'. That was the only reasonable conclusion you could come up with for why his eyes bore into the back of your head for such a prolonged period of time. However, it wasn't until he spoke up that the shivers went down your spine and you debated finally looking back.

"You are... Y/n, correct?"

He asked you in his rather masculine voice that held such a smooth pitch. It was as if wind chimes were softly ringing in my ear, yet it was a ringing you didn't want to end. You inhaled sharply and turned around to finally face him, your face contorted into a shy smile as you held a couple of books in one arm, the other outstretched for the stairwell door. You took a good look at his features and only felt my body tremble more. He was intimidating, and though his tone was more on the monotonous side, his resting face gave rise to a fear you never knew you had. He was terribly attractive as well. Dark hair that dared to fall over his eyes, foggy green eyes that glimmered in the light despite how dull they appeared. If you squinted hard enough, which you had no choice but to do so to take in his full appearance, you could see faint traces of a red eyeliner of sorts. It was an unexpected observation, but oddly fitting for the handsome boy.

"Yes, I am... Do I know you...?"

My voice wavered with every word, making it impossibly obvious how nervous you were. It would have never crossed my mind that this was meant to serve as one of those "fateful encounters" my parents used to tell stories about.

"Not yet, but... This must be fate. I know you. I don't know how, but I have this feeling... Our destinies were meant to intertwine."

The way he spoke behooved me. It was as if he was intentionally being vague, and yet there was clearly sincerity in his voice as if he genuinely believed the words he was conveying to me. Fate. That was a powerful force around these parts; dare you say a force to be reckoned with. Your parents always talked about how destiny was something that was ever-changing, always being created with each choice made, and always going hand-in-hand with fate. They were yin and yang if someone really thought about it. So you heeded his words but couldn't bring myself to respond. He took notice of my stunned silence and gave a solemn nod before continuing down the staircase in a hurry.

To this day, you believe the only reason it seemed to be fateful, however, was because you never saw that boy again until years later.

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