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You all had a great time. You cut the cake, and although there weren't many people, all the house staff and JY industry employees were present at the party. Jay, despite being rude, cold, and short-tempered, genuinely cared for his workers and treated them like family. This was the reason his employees remained loyal and overlooked his anger issues.

Your love for Jay continued to grow, As Areum's said that he wasn't a bad person if you tried to understand him. He even surprised you with a new phone as a gift, while Haerin gifted you a beautiful dress. You were genuinely happy, maybe even too happy. As the party came to an end, everyone headed back to the mansion.

Inside the mansion:
"God, I'm exhausted," Haerin exclaimed, taking off her heels and settling onto the couch. She sat comfortably, and Jay joined her, they both started with their tom and jerry fight again . "Crazy cat," Jay quipped, rolling his eyes, to which Haerin retorted, "Sleepy pig." You intervened, urging them to stop fighting, and Haerin greeted everyone goodnight before heading to her room.

You noticed Lala heading towards the kitchen and decided to follow her. "Lala, my pendant?" you asked, looking at her expectantly. She glanced at her neck, and to your shock, the pendant was nowhere to be seen. "Y/N, I think it fell off somewhere," she responded. Panic surged through you. "Wait, are you serious?" Your heart raced. "Can you see it anywhere here?" she asked. "Well, where is it then?" you questioned anxiously.

"I don't know," she replied. "Lala, how can you be so careless? Please check again; it's really important to me," you pleaded. "Wait! It's just a pendant. Why are you panicking so much?" she raised her voice. Jay, having heard the raised voice, entered the kitchen. "Jay, see, she's calling me careless just because I accidentally lost her necklace," Lala complained. "I don't know anything; find it in any way and give me back my pendant," you demanded.

"Relax, Y/N. I will buy you ten different expensive pendants tomorrow, so stop fighting over that," Jay suggested. "I don't want any kind of expensive pendant; I just want mine," you stubbornly replied. "So, what do you expect from us? To go back and search for your pendant?" Lala mockingly said, giving you a smug look. You couldn't ignore her provocation.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lala. I forgot how difficult it is for you to understand the concept of responsibility," you retorted sarcastically. "Excuse me? At least I'm not the one losing precious items left and right," Lala shot back, crossing her arms defiantly.

"Maybe if you were more attentive instead of constantly checking yourself out in the mirror, you wouldn't have lost my pendant," you snapped, a fire burning in your eyes.

"Oh please, like your pendant was anything special. It probably looked like something I could find at a flea market," Lala scoffed, intentionally trying to get under your skin.

The snarky remarks continued to fly between the two of you,  Jay, frustrated with the tension, tried to intervene. "Alright, enough! Both of you, stop this nonsense!" he yelled, his patience wearing thin.

Lala, seeing the effect her words had on you, decided to take it a step further. She started fake crying, playing the victim card. "How dare you insult me like this, Y/N? After everything I've done for you?" she wailed, her tears seemingly genuine.

You, however, were not easily fooled. "Save the dramatics, Lala. It won't work," you said, your voice laced with determination.

As the argument continued, emotions ran high and tempers flared. In a moment of anger and frustration, Jay, caught in the middle,yelled "y/n stop!" ,he slapped you. The realization of what he was about to do hit him like a wave, and he quickly pulled his hand back, freezing in disbelief at his own actions. Stunned, he tried to process what had just happened, but it was too late. The damage was done.

You, overwhelmed by the hurt and betrayal, couldn't bear to stay in that environment any longer. Fighting back tears, you walked out of the kitchen, through the living room, and out of the house, lala still crying hugged him . He Immediately pushed her and came to living room searching for you . He was yelling your name

Hearing him, Areum and Haerin came from their rooms, concerned face. "What happened?" Areum asked, trying to understand the situation.

Destined For Love {Jay×Y/n}Where stories live. Discover now