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----DAISY'S POV----

As I get to the common room, I run up to my dorm. Before I can get down the hall, though, Mattheo comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "What the fuck riddle?" I ask him, obviously about to start crying. "Oh, love, what's wrong?" he asks me. "Get the fuck off of me. I hate you and there is nothing you can do to change that! now leave me alone!" I say with tears in my eyes. He looks hurt by what I said but masks it quickly. "Fine, go to your room and cry I don't give a fuck. just fucking go," he said. It almost looked like he was about to cry, but I couldn't tell.

As I got to my dorm, I was about to lock it when I realized I would have to share it with Draco. Fuck this, I lock the door and go over to my bed and start crying. Im no better than Mattheo, both of us masking our emotions around people. I curl up under my blanket, holding my pillow, and start crying. after about 10 minutes, I stop crying and went to the bathroom to wash my face. When I get out, I hear knocking at the door. "Daisy, open the door please, I'm getting tired" I heard Draco's voice say. I laugh a little and let him in.

--------TIME SKIP--------

"Daisy, wake up, you need to get ready for classes," I heard Draco's voice say. "just five more minutes..." I grumbled, turning to the side of my bed that Draco wasn't at. "No, Daisy, get up or I will take your blanket," He said tugging on my blanket. "Ugh fine," I got up complaining. "why do we have class so early??" I asked "idk ask Headmaster Dumbledore." he suggested. "You know I can't do that, with my social anxiety and all," I said laughing and getting my uniform. "Im going to go change in the bathroom," I told Draco, who was already ready and waiting for me so we could go to breakfast.

When we got to the great hall, I see Theo, Mattheo, and Pansy staring at me. I walked over and sat by Theo, him on my right, Draco on my left, and Pansy in front of me. I looked at Theo and saw him still staring. "can I help you, Theo?" I asked him. "No, I just like staring at pretty things," he responded. Umm, ok? I thought "What were you and Theo talking about after I left last night?" I whispered to Draco. "Oh, um, nothing. Why?" He responded "No reason." I said to Draco, then looked over at Theodore. "So, what were you and Draco talking about last night?" I asked him. "Oh, nothing," Theo said. "I know your lying, I just asked Draco and he said something different," I told him. "Well, I don't know if I should tell you, but I will. We were talking to mattheo and said he will make Draco pay for trying to control your life, then he said I should date you because 'im the nicest slytheryn' and it seems like you are starting to catch feeling for mattheo and he doesn't like that you like him, and we all know that mattheo likes you."

Oh, damn. I didn't realize that all of that would be what he said. I thought. "Oh, so you're saying that we should date?" I asked. "Only if you are suggesting it, pretty girl" he responded. "Alright," I said. "Looks like it's time for class, let's go," he said, offering me his hand and helping me up. We hold hands all the way up to our class.

—-TIME SKIP—-(bc i didn't want to write the classes)

After dinner, I and theo went to the room I share with Draco. I lay on my bed and he lay next to me. While we were looking at the ceiling, I cuddled up against him. "Your so cute," Theo told me. I was just about to go to sleep when Draco walked in. "since when were you two a thing" he asked. "Sense you told me I should be with her last night," Theo responded. "Draco your a real asshole you know that?" I told Draco. "That sounds like my queue to leave, bye," Draco said and went to Theodore's room. I laughed a little and cuddled against Theo again and fell asleep


nothing happened to draco... yet. i think that maybe theodore and mattheo share a room...

anyway, yesterday was my (oldest) 1st cousin's b-day! she turned 6. whats sad is that she is sick :( but in 3 days, on july 14th, is my other cousins 6th b-day! (i have like 11 + 2 in abt a month or 2 cousins lol) my not sick cousin is going to be in arkansas for this week for her b-day :) (and then i have 2 cousins that turn one sometime late july)(july is chaotic for my fam lol)
that my be a lil much informations but ima keep it :)

Question of the day: ik we havent seen much of either of them, and ill adk in like 10 parts(maybe) what team are you on? team theo or team matty?

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