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"Good morning my love," Mattheo said, kissing my forehead.

"What time is it?" I grumble.

"10 am," He said, and I groaned.

"No, wake me up at 2," I say, moving to get comfortable.

"Fine," He said, getting up.

"No, where are you going?" I whine, sitting up.

"I'm going to hang out with our friends, you wanna come?" He asks.

"No," I say, opening up the bottom drawer and grabbing a stuffed animal.

"You're adorable," He says, putting on his clothes.

"Wake me up at 2," I grumble, falling back asleep.

"Goodnight love," He says, then I fall asleep.


"Love, wake up," Mattheo says, slightly shaking me awake.

"No," I whine.

"Yes, you've been asleep all day, it's 5 right now, and the party starts in 2 hours," He said, walking over to my closet, looking through my dresses.

"Ugh, fine," I whine, sitting up.

"You should wear this one," He said, throwing me my new lilac dress.

"Ok," I say, getting up and going to the bathroom. "You know where Draco slept last night?" I ask.

"Enzo's dorm, but he wasn't happy," He yelled as I shut the door to the bathroom.

I put the dress on and look in the mirror. "God, I look hot in this dress," I say. I see the bathroom door open through the mirror and see Mattheo walk up behind me.

"You really do," He said, wrapping his arms around his waist and putting his head on my shoulder.

"I need you to get out, I need to do my makeup and hair," I say.

"But love-" I cut him off.

"You'll be fine," I say, and he leaves. I put on matching makeup and curl my hair.

"Love, you look amazing!" Mattheo says as I walk out of the bathroom.

"Thanks," I say, walking over to him and kissing him. "What time is it?" I ask.

"6:45," He says.

I grab heels and walk to the door. "Come on, we can help set up," I say, leaving the room.

"Hey Daisy," Pansy says. "God, you look hot," She says, walking over to me.

She reaches her arms out to hug me. "No touching, she's mine," Mattheo warns.

"Mattheo, she's just my friend," I say, looking back at Mattheo.

"So? She just called you hot," Mattheo said.

"Stop being an overprotective ass," I say, walking away from him to help set up.

After a few hours, me and pansy are dancing and Mattheo is sitting on the couches with the guys, watching us. "Pansy, I'm going to go get another drink, you want one?" I ask.

"Sure," She says and I walk over to the bar.

I order 2 drinks and walk over to pansy, but someone starts talking to me before I can get to her. "Hey, Daisy," He says.

"Hi?" I say questioningly.

"My name is Alexander," He said.

"Hello, but i need to go to my friend, bye-" I start to walk away but he grabs my wrist, spilling the drinks i got, and kisses me. "What the fuck?" I yell, still trying to get out of his grip.

He pulls me into the hallway to the dorms and pushes me up against the wall. He starts to kiss me while i try to push him off of me, but it's no use. After a few minutes, I hear Pansy yelling my name. "Shit," The dude mutters and I finally recognize who it was.

"You fucker get off of me!" I yell, finally being able to push him off of me. I run into the common room where the party was and ran over to Mattheo and sit on his lap.

"Woah, love, what happened," He asks, taken aback.

"You crazy fucking roommate tried to fuck me!" I yell. "Did you not notice I wasn't in here?" I ask.

"No, I thought you were still at the bar!" He yells, getting up. "You're the one who said to stop being an overprotective boyfriend!"

"I'm not dealing with this," I mutter, then walk out of the party up to my dorm, and fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up to someone on top of me and a hot breath on my neck. "What, Mattheo what are you doing-" I get cut off by the person covering my mouth.

"Shhh, Daisy, be quiet," He muttered against my neck. I look over at Draco's bed and see he is still at the party. SHIT! I think. I look over to see that it was only 11, about 10 minutes after i left.


After daisy goes up to her dorm, Pansy runs over to me. "What?" I ask, annoyed.

"So, i know daisy just went up to bed, but someone was following her..." She trails off.

"Did you see who?" I ask, worried.

"I don't know who it was, but i think he had brown hair was all i really picked up. She probably looked back and thought that it was you for some reason," She says, and i get up and go to her dorm.

I crack open the door and see the person on top of her and daisy just laying there. I slam the door, mad. I run to my dorm and start to break everything in it.


I heard someone slam the door, and the person on top of me turns around to see who it was, giving me an opening to push him off of me and get up, wraping myself in a blanket, and open the door to see who it was. I don't see anyone, only someone running down the hall. I run to mattheo's dorm, knowing that i have some clothes in there and I open the door to see mattheo smashing things. "Mattheo, love, what's wrong?" I ask, sliping into his room.

"What the fuck, Daisy? You leave the party saying that your going to go to bed, and you fucking cheat on me?" He yells, still throwing things around the room.

"Mattheo- Mattheo i wasn't cheating on you," I whisper, cowering on the wall.

"Then what the fuck was it that i saw, Daisy? Because it sure as hell looked a lot like you having sex with someone!" He yells.

"Why would i cheat on you? Do you know how many times Theo cheated on me, threatened to kill himself or me, or even just beat me while we were together?" I ask, waiting for him to respond. After he doesn't, I shake my head. "How the fuck could you? It's not like you ever asked," I whisper, on the verge of tears.


"No. Don't. You lost your chance," I whisper, taking the promise ring off and leaving. I start to walk to pansy's dorm. I hear mattheo running behind me, but i ignore him and keep walking. When i get to her dorm, i close and lock the door so that i can put on some clothes.

Mattheo knocks on the door and keeps calling y name. "Thats my name, dont wear it out," I say, annoyed. I put on some of her clothes and open the door to go talk to her, but mattheo grabs on my arm. "Don't touch me," I yell, pulling my arm away from him, and he lets go.


sorry this is so short, the next like 3 r gonna be short bc im doing them all tonight bc im going to catch up on tt posting(ive just been posting those capcut templets....) but im also going to go on a lil vaca so i wont rlly be able to post these anyway 😜

ok ok ok your question is gonna be fav rep song(ima just go thru all her albums ngl) me is ready for it and gorgeous 

ima still be ale to see ur comments tho bc i got wattpad on my phone 👀👀 but i wont rlly have the time to write unless im taling abt the car which is gonna be annoying so ill either listen to t swift or watch tt so ya :) ima do tt when i cant sleep at night

We Made It Out In Love {M. R.}Where stories live. Discover now