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When we get down to the party, I get a drink from the bar then sit on the couch, my eyes on Daisy over by the bar, but I still talk to Draco, Enzo, and Blaise (he ain't been talked about too much 😭). After about an hour, I hear someone talking about her over the music, so I move closer to where they are. "Dude, I bet you 20 galleons that you can't get her in bed," One of the guys says, pointing at Daisy.

"Bet," The other dude says and walks over to her.

"Did you guys hear that?" I ask, and they look at me like I'm crazy. "I'm going to go for a bit," I say, getting up and walking into earshot of them talking.

"Hey, pretty lady, can I get you a drink?" The dude asks.

"Who are you?" She asks. Yes. I need to know so I can beat him up later.

"Cormac. Cormac McLaggen," He says. I know him, fucking Gryffindor keeper.

"Sure, Cormac," She says suspiciously. When they get their drinks, she grabs her drink and takes a sip from it. "That's pretty good, what's it called?" She asks. (Idk any names that I can use😜 im only 13 and don't feel like looking any up). When he tells her, it looks like she writes it down on a napkin.

After a few minutes, she finishes her drink and he flags the bartender over. "Can I get 2 more?" He asks, pointing at the drinks. It looks like he says something else to the bartender, but I can't make out what he says. When they get the drinks, he pushes the drinks to her.

"I'm not going to drink all that," Daisy says, looking overwhelmed.

"Now, Daisy, you have to. It's not like I can return them," He chuckles. She shakes her head, looking around. I turn around so she couldn't recognize me, and she looks back at the drinks. After a few sips of the second drink, she starts to look like she's getting drunk, so I walk back over to the couches.

"One of you needs to go talk to Daisy, Cormac over there is trying to get her drunk," I say, sitting down.

"Why can't you?" Blaise asks.

"Because she fucking hates me, dumbass," I say. He chuckles a little bit but gets up to go get her.

After a minute, he comes back. "She's not listening to me," He says.

"Draco, go get her, I don't give a damn if she doesn't want to, I don't need fuck Cormac fucking her," I say, and Draco gets up, grabs Daisy's wrist, and says something, then walks back over here.

"What the fuck, Draco, I was fine!" She yelled. He just rolled his eyes and sat down, holding her on his lap.(not in a sexual way you perverts he's her sister)

"Dais, your drunk, you're not fine," Draco said.

"I am fine," She said, fighting his grip.

"Do you want me to owl mom and dad and tell them to bring you home?" he asks, and she immediately stops fighting his grip, shaking her head. "That's what I thought. Now, you can go dance with your friends for another 20 minutes or we can go to bed," He says, and she tries to get up again.

"I wanna dance," She whines.

"Ok, dais, but I'll be watching you," He says, letting her go. She runs over to where Bianca and Pansy are dancing and starts talking with them, giggling. Draco looks over at us to see us staring at him. "What?" he asks.

"You sure you're dating me and not your sister?" Enzo asks, and Draco bursts out laughing.

"Yes, I'm sure, but I'm sure the mattheo knows, she acts like a toddler when she's drunk, and I've had to take care of her a lot when we were younger," He says, looking over at Enzo.

As we talk, my eyes follow daisy. She is a very childish drunk, falling and tripping every other step, which makes me laugh. "Dude, you should probably stop staring at her," Blaise says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I'll stop staring at her when she stops being so fucking hot," I say, and Blaise holds his hands up in surrender.

After about half an hour, Draco gets up and takes daisy to bed/ "I'm going to go to bed," I say, walking the opposite way to my dorm. When i get up into my dorm, I go over to my desk and take out my sketchbook out of one of the drawers and sit on my bed, doodling little drawings, and i fall asleep with the sketchbook facing down.


"I don't want to though," I whine on our way up to our dorm. I lean on Draco's shoulder to stay upright.

"We have to though," He says softly.

"But i'm not tired!" I say, stomping my foot. I'm acting like a toddler. When we get into our dorm, draco sits me down on the edge of my bed and goes into the bathroom to get makeup wipes. After he takes all the makeup off, he lays me down with him and starts to hum to help me go to sleep. I fall asleep almost immediately.

The next day when i wake up, I wake draco up and ask, "Can you teach me how to fly a broom?"

"Why, dais?" He asks.

"Because it looks fun!" I say, and he groans and gets up. After we change, we go down to the great hall, and i have a hashbrown and a waffle, whereas he just has some cereal.

"Come on," He says, and we get up and go to the quidditch pitch.

After an hour, I start to get the hang of it and i start to fly around, fast. I make to sharp of a turn, lose control of the broom, and start to fall to the ground. Draco doesn't make it to me quick enough, and i fall and hit the ground, which is hard because it was winter.


"Where is she?" i yell as soon as draco says that Daisy passed out. He came into my room to tell me.

"She's in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey said she doesn't want anyone in there right now though, as daisy hasn't woken up yet," Draco says, breathing shaking breathes.

"Why the fuck did it even happen?" I yell, running my hand through my hairvand pacing the room.

"She wanted to learn how to fly! She seemed excited! How could I say no?" He says back, trying to remain calm but failing and some anger slips through.

"You could've stayed next to her you asshole! Just get the fuck out!" I yell. He just shakes his head and leaves the room. I continue to pace my room for a minute before I fall onto my my bed, about to start crying, when someone knocked on my door. "What the fuck do you want?" I yell through my pillow.

"I just heard about daisy," Enzo said, opening the door and sliping in. I sat up with tears in my eyes. "I just wanted to see if you were ok," He said quietly. He closed the door and looked at me. "You good?" He asks, walking over to me. I shake my head and he sits next to me. "You know i wont make fun of you if you cry, right?" He asks softly.

I shale my head. "Can you just- just leave?" I ask, a lump forming in the back of my throat.

"Sure," He whispers, then leaves. I fall back onto the bed, and start to sob into my pillow.


"Mattheo? You doing alright?" Blaise asks when we go to breakfast. I havent come of my dorm since that day.

"Ya, I'm fine," I say. I start to eat but in the corner of my eye, i see Draco running in. "Whats wrong?" I ask coldly.

"It's daisy," He said. "She woke up."


tehehehe. maybe instead of maltheo ill do mattheo + enzo(cant think of a ship name rn 😭)

didnt i tell yall youd be getting a double post today? here ya go for number 3, but no mo bc its one am and i should go to sleep.

but yall obv get a question, what is the weirdest thing you've heard at school?

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