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"What do you mean, 'She woke up?" I ask. I didn't expect her to be awake for at least another week.

"Daisy. She woke up a little before I came here. Madam Pomfey is doing some tests on her now, but after that, we can go see her," Draco said.

"Damn, dude," Enzo said from his bed. I forgot that he was there.

After a few hours of talking, Draco decided to go down and check on her. "What do you think?" Enzo asked.

"That she is still going to hate me," I said, laying back and looking up at the ceiling.

"I wouldn't doubt-" Enzo was cut off by Draco barging in through the door.

"Madam Pomfrey said we can come in, and I went in for a second and she asked for you," Draco said.

Me and Enzo get up quickly and we start to go to the hospital wing. "Why me?" I ask.

"Well, they think that she got a minor concussion, and they also think that she forgot everything within the last week or so," Draco said. "So that would mean that she forgot your breakup," Draco said.

Fuck. "You ok?" Enzo asks from his bed.

"Ya, I-I'm good," I mutter, looking at the ceiling. "When are we going to be able to see her?" I ask.

"They said it'd be fine if we did now," Draco said. I immediately got up and we left for the hospital wing.

"Love?" Daisy says as soon as she lays eyes on me. "Why was Draco saying that we broke up? And where did my ring go?" She asks.

"Daisy, He's telling the truth. You broke up with me after what happened with my father. Do you remember that?" I ask softly. I kneel next to her, holding one of her hands and rubbing my thumb in a circle.

"Ya..." She says, looking at me confused.

"Do you remember anything after that?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Look at your arm," I whisper.

She lifts her sleeve and sees the mark. "When did that get there?" She says loudly, leading to us getting dirty looks by the people around us.

"When you shot the spell at yourself, you had to be taken here. After a week, I came in and you didn't want to see me, so I left. You came into my room where I was throwing things around, and we had a yelling match, where you broke up with me," I say, my eyes tearing up.

She looks at me, stunned, and I look back at Enzo and Draco, who look shocked. "We.. didn't know what happened," Enzo said softly.


"I'm going to go," Mattheo whispers, getting up and leaving.

"Don't go, please," I say, but it was too late. "What's wrong with him?" I ask in a whisper.

"It's a long story," Enzo starts. "About a week after what happened with his father, he came to check on you, but you didn't want to see him. When you left, you went into his dorm, where he was smashing things, and you tried to talk to him. I walked by to see if you were with Draco and heard you and him yelling, and then you walked out. I stayed back for a minute to see how Mattheo was doing, but he wouldn't answer me. Then, a couple of days after that, Draco was teaching you to fly a broom, and you fell, causing you to get a mild concussion and mild memory loss, that's why you can't remember any of that," Enzo says.

"Do you know why I got this?" I ask.

"I don't know if this is true, but you moved all your stuff to Bianca's room after you two broke up, and I think you got it a little beforehand because none of us could find you," Draco said.

"I'm going to go talk to him," I say, trying to get up but Draco holds me down.

"No, dais, you need rest," Draco says.

"I'm fine!" I yell, and he lets go of me. As I walk out, I run into one of the healer helpers, and she starts telling me that I need to go lay back down. "I'm fine! Can nobody see that?" I ask, exasperated. She leaves, then I leave the hospital wing and see mattheo outside the door crying. "Hey, mattheo?" I ask.

He wipes his face off with his hand then looks up at me, and it's obvious he's been crying. "What do you want, Malfoy?" He asks me coldly.

Ouch. That hurt.

"I just- just wanted to see if you were okay, but it seems like you are," I say, trying to keep my voice even and calm, but it falters a bit.

I turn around to go to the common room, but mattheo stops me. "Daisy-" I turn around and look at him angrily. "I just wanted to say, you were the one who broke up with me. That really hurt me. I know you don't remember it, but you did. I-I just want some time," He says.

"Ok," I whisper and we both walk in different directions. Me back to see Enzo and Draco, mattheo to the common room. 


i didnt know how to end the chapter 😭 but like yall, i think ima just do a time skip where they magicly get together? I donno help 😭

anyway, i'm sick, tired, and cold so yw for updating now and not waiting. also, i auditioned for the school musical (musi-cal iykyk) and i didn't get a call back but she said its not a good or a bad thing if you did/didn't get one so idk im hoping for the chorus/ensemble and not a lead(this is my first one) so wish me luck lol

what is/was your favorate class in school?

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