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"Princess, where are you?" We hear Theodore call out. "Hide me," I whisper to them. Draco understands immediately, pulls me over to the corner of the tower, and stands in front of me. When Theo comes up here he looks around. "Why are you standing over there Draco," He slurred the name at the end, telling me that he is drunk. "Oh, just didn't want to be standing or sitting and this was a good compromise for me," Draco responded. I was scared with Theodore in the room, so I whispered quietly to Draco, "Do you think I'd be ok to sit?" I asked. He shook his head a little, so that no one but be would be able to see. Fuck, my legs are about to give out. I thought. Do you want me to tell Draco to sit the fuck down? I can tell him to don't worry. Mattheo replied. In my brain. "Please can I sit down?" I whisper to Draco He gives me another small headshake. If you can still hear me, please do. Im about to fall. I thought to tell Mattheo.


"Sit the fuck down, Draco," I say, trying to signal to Daisy without Theodore finding out. He sits down and I hear Daisy's thoughts. Thanks. Hey, how long have you been doing this? She asks. About sense I could tell something was wrong with your and Theodore's relationship, so prob a month. I respond. I get out of her head and hear Theodore ask, "So, do you two know where my Daisy is?" He asks, putting emphasis on my. "No, sorry. She's probably in the great hall, pigging out, in Pansy's dorm, or in her dorm, crying or sleeping," I respond with no emotion. "Don't talk about her like that!" Draco said. "Talk about people like they are here," he says. Shit, she's most likely crying now. "No, I haven't checked. I'll go check and see. Bye," Theodore says as he leaves.

As soon as we know he's gone, Draco gets up, and I run over to Daisy, who is in fact crying. "Daisy, I'm sorry, but you know I had to do that. Everyone knows we hate each other," I say, hugging her. "So, nothing is going on between you two? Because right now is saying the opposite..." Draco says. "No, all I know is that I like her, but I think she hates me because when we pass each other and I try to talk to her, she ignores me," I say truthfully to Draco. "N-no I-I don't hate y-you, and I-I'm sorry if I made you t-that way," She says between sobs. Draco looks at us awkwardly, "Should I go? I-I'll just go..." He mumbled. "No, you don't go, I should be going anyway, we hate each other, I mumble, walking away.

When I get to my dorm, I wonder how could I be so stupid? I guess if she wants to talk about it, she'll come to me first- Just then, someone bursts through the door. It's fucking Theodore. "Hey, why are you here? Shouldn't you be out with your girlfriend?" He asked, referring to Astoria Greengrass. "She isn't my girlfriend anymore..." I said, "I don't want to talk about it, so don't ask," I state, not wanting to talk about it further. Right before he left, though, Draco came through the door. "Mattheo, Dai-" He sees Theodore. "Oh, shit. Mattheo just come with me," He said. "I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHERE SHE WAS?" Theodore yelled. "I didn't," I whisper, trying to leave. "YOUR NOT LEAVING!" He yelled.



Hehehe, Daisy coming in clutch (I was abt to put aroura bc of the book I'm reading "Addicted to you//Mattheo Riddle" by Rainmalfoyy)

Question, question... What was the last time you read harry potter? If you haven't read it, first how dare you, second, when was the last time u watched the movies? And if you haven't done either, you should be GONE

Also, in the background I have Hamilton playing 😂

last thing, sorry this chapter so short lol

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