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"Good morning, love," I hear Daisy say to wake me up.

"Five more minutes," I grumble into my pillow.

"No, we have to go now! We are already late!" She says. I look up and see her standing right next to me by the bed, fully dressed in her school uniform.

"Mmmmm I'd rather we stay here," I say and pulled her onto the bed with me and kissed her lips.

I can see in her eyes that she doesn't want to go to classes, but she gets up and says, "Too bad, if you don't get up now I guess I will go to breakfast alone," She says looking at me from where she was standing before.

"Fine, you asshole," I say, only half joking. I go to my dorm quickly to change into my school uniform and go back to Daisy's dorm to see she is still there. "Let's go, love," I say, holding out my hand for her to hold. Because she doesn't take it, I just put my arm around her shoulder and start walking toward the great hall. "Do you want me to tell anyone about us?" I ask her, stopping us right outside the great hall.

"No, please don't yet. I don't need Draco to yell at me," She whispered.

"Alright," I say, taking my arm away from her shoulder, and walking into the great hall first. When I get to where the guys were sitting, I could tell that something was off. "What's wrong? Why is everyone looking... off?" I whisper to Draco.

"I don't know, but they moved the meeting to first class, so what our lord has planned must be important," Draco responded.

"Everything he says is fucking important to you brainless assholes," I mutter under my breath and get up to leave.

"Where are you going?" I hear Daisy's innocent voice ask. I ignore her and keep walking out and when I was about to apparate to the manor, I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder.

I spin around and before I register that it's Daisy, I yell, "What the fuck do you want?"

When I realize that it's Daisy, I see tears in her eyes. "I-I just wanted to see where you were going," She says, wiping her tears from her eyes and turning around. "I guess I'm not important enough to see though," She says and walks back into the great hall.

When I look in the great hall, I see Daisy talking to Draco, most likely telling him what just happened. I turn around and go to my room to hide before the meeting.


"Glad you all heard about the time change," My dad said. "Now, as you all have heard, Bianca will be starting Hogwarts as of tonight. I hope you all give her a warm welcome," He glares at me and my 'friends'. " Does anyone know how many of my Horcruxes have been hidden?" He asks

"We hid ours last night," Enzo said. "We also are making sure that Daisy doesn't get harmed."

"Good. Has everyone else hidden their respective horcruxes?" He asks, looking around the table at everyone he gave a Horcrux.

"Yes, my lord, everyone has hidden their Horcruxes, I happened to help everyone hide theirs. But only the boys know where the diadem is," Bellatrix said, glaring at us.

"Father, can I talk to you for a second, privately?" I ask him with a stone-cold expression.

"Sure, follow me," He says to me, standing up.

When we exit to a room in the back of the meeting room, I ask him, "Why are you trying to bring misery to Daisy? If she dies, and she's the last Horcrux, don't you die?"

"Yes, but I need to show her that I don't care about her," He answers calmly.

"Yes, but why? You should care about her because what if she dies? Then you are closer to death! Why are you pushing her over her edge? I am telling you, if you keep pushing and pushing her, she will die," I yell at him, getting my anger out.

We Made It Out In Love {M. R.}Where stories live. Discover now