9. Second Photo

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Last Period

Blair entered the classroom and saw Christine, Ian, and Seth. She only had 5th period with Jennifer. Christine quickly got up from her chair and went over to Blair. "Where the hell were you after lunch?! Jenn told me that you ran straight past her when she tried getting your attention" she asked in a concerned tone. "I was at the bathroom and realized that I started my period and had cramps" Blair lied. Christine's eyes then shifted down to the side of her stomach where she saw a mark through her see through shirt. "What's that?" Blair looked down and saw the mark and she had an "oh, shit" look.

Christine looked at her. "Blair, what is that?" She said as she tried lifting up her shirt but then Blair pushed her hand away. "It's nothing, it's just marker" she replied. "So is it nothing or marker?" Christine crossed her arms. "It's marker" Blair replied as she walked back to her seat. Seth and Ian looked at eachother when they saw the mark through her shirt. "That looks pretty rough" Ian said. "Yeah, it's just marker" she said back. "If it was marker, it'd be going through your shirt" Seth said. "It is, I swear" Seth raised an eyebrow at her making her look away.

"Okay, sit down!" Mrs. Mullins said as she came in the classroom. "I heard that you all have a lot of homework from your other classes, so I'm going to be giving you the whole class period to work on that" she said. Everyone started to take out their homework and some people went to other people's desks to work together. Blair pulled out her notes that she needed to finish for history class. "You need any help on that?" Ian asked her. "Oh, no thank you but thank you" he then looked at the notes. "It sort of looks like you're struggling, are you sure?" "Yes, I'm positive" "I mean, you don't really have to be scared to say you need help" "She said no" Seth butted in.

"Okay- Seth, what's with you jumping into Blair's cloud all day about her own business?" Ian asked him. "There's no stepping into her business, I was just saying, if someone says no, then it's a no" Seth replied. "Okay, Blair probably gets it, and Ian, Seth is right, a no is a no, just leave her alone, you two" Christine said. "What is going on here?" Mrs. Mullins came over. "Nothing, I was just offering Blair help on her work" Ian replied. "And she said no" Seth added. "Yeah, you two just need to take a break on Blair" Christine said. "That's enough, there are other students working and they do not need for you 4 to be acting like children back here," Mrs. Mullins then looked at Blair's notes.

"Miss Lawson, is this homework?" She asked. "Um, it's actually notes for another class that I have to finish" Blair replied. "But did I say notes or did I say homework?" "I know what you said, I just needed-" "answer my question!" Blair looked at her before looking down. "You said homework" she replied. "So unless that teacher said that your notes are homework, you put it away for now" "but-" "and I do not wanna see them out and have to tell you again, is that clear?" Blair nodded, "yes, Mrs. Mullins" she nodded and walked off. "Wow, that was real bitchy of her" Christine whispered.

"It's fine...-" "you should just keep working on your notes" Seth said. "And I'll go teach her a real lesson" Ian said. "That'd be fun to watch" Seth said next. "I was meaning to bang her" Ian said. "Oh, nevermind" Seth turned away. "That's seriously disgusting, Ian, don't talk about that stuff around Blair, her poor innocent mind can't know about that" Christine said. "I was also kidding about that, but how about teaching her a lesson about something else instead of work" he said back. "Yeah, Blair, do you think teaching Mrs. Mullins a lesson would make her brain acknowledge better things instead of lashing out at girls like you?" Seth asked her.

"If you're meaning it in a dirty way, then no because she's a still a baby to know this stuff" Christine said. "Oh, hell no, we were thinking like damage?" Ian said. "Woah, woah, woah, why would you wanna go kill a teacher?" Seth asked with a bit of wide eyes. "Huh?!" Blair and Christine said in unison. "I was meaning to like damage the chalkboard by breaking the chalks and stain the board with drinks" Ian had a bit of a sketchy look. "Uh huh, the idea sounds plain" Seth said. "You both are about to put yourselves on your permanent record if you keep talking about damaging school property" Blair said. "Yeah- whatever in the hell is on your guy's mind, sounds like you both need to rethink your own lives" Christine said.

"I have no homework since I just got here yesterday, so I'll just sleep until it's time to go" Blair said. "Don't worry, hun, I got you covered" Christine said as she got up and sat in front of Blair to block her from the teacher's view so she won't be seen sleeping. "I have 20 missing assignments that I better get done and turned in" Ian said. "You're that fucking lazy?" Seth asked him. "Not my fault the school system is shit" he replied. Seth shook his head at him, grabbed his backpack and stood up. "I'm gonna go in the hallway to do my work for a bit" Seth said. Ian got up and he went over to his desk and looked at Blair as he sat down.

After Class

"Blair, wake up," Christine shook her. Blair shook her hair out of her face and looked up and saw Christine. "Time to go?" "Yeah, you're lucky you didn't get caught" she replied. Blair grabbed her stuff and got up. "I'll see you tomorrow, my dad's car is outside" Seth said to Christine. "Oh, okay, I love you" "love you, too," he pecked her lips. "See ya, Blair" "yeah, bye," they smiled at eachother and she waved him off as he walked out the classroom. "So I have to go meet up with Jenn at the library, Blair, I will tell her you said hi even though you didn't, bye" Ian said before leaving the classroom.

"It's just us I guess" Blair said. "Oh, come on, you gotta admit, my company is comforting" Christine said back making her laugh. They both walked out the classroom and Blair was once again looking around to make sure that Danielle and Brittany weren't here. "Who are you looking for?" Christine asked. "No one, I just thought I heard someone say my name" Blair replied. "I still can't believe that Julie almost lured you into her dog cage, that must've been terrifying listening to her bark" Christine said. Blair still felt bad about leaving Julie behind but it's also the fact that she snitched on her to Danielle and Brittany.

"You should consider me coming over later, maybe we can hangout" Christine said. "Yeah, I'll just ask my mom if she can let you come over" Blair replied. Blair did the combination and opened her locker and that's when her whole body paused and her eyes widened. It was another photo...
"Maybe you can introduce me to your siblings, one of them could be cute and- Blair, are you listening?" Blair stared at the photo in shock. She picked it up and saw that it was a photo of her sleeping in last period. "Blair? Hello?? What are you looking at?" Christine stepped to the side of her and saw the photo and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What the hell is that?" She asked. "This is the second time..." Blair replied as she quickly grabbed her backpack. "Second time of what?" Christine was confused. "Let's just go," Blair started making her way down the hall and Christine followed her. "No, wait, Blair!" She walked faster and walked beside her. "What's going on?!" Christine was now curious. "Someone is watching me..." Blair replied. "What?! Who?!" Blair didn't listen as she walked faster out the school. "Blair, what are you talking about?!" Christine asked as she ran towards her. "I'll tell you when we get to my house" she replied.

Blair's mother pulled up in front of the school. "Mom, this is my friend, Christine" Christine politely waved and smiled. "Oh, hi, I'm Blair's mom, it's-" "my mom, too!" Ali rolled the window down. "And that's my little sister, Ali" Blair pointed at her. "Hey, little sis" Christine smiled at her. Ali then gasped, "did Blair find her boyfriend?!" Blair gave Ali the "shut up" look and Ali mouthed "no boyfriend?" Blair shook her head annoyed. "Don't worry about her, she always does this" Blair said to Christine. Christine gave Blair the "so am I coming over or what?" look.

"Oh- mom, can Christine please come over for a couple of minutes or more?" Blair turned to her mom. "Yeah, that's fine" Ali scooched over when Blair opened the door and Blair got in first then Christine got in next. Blair's mom drove away and Blair looked at the photo and so did Christine. Blair then turned to the back of it. Another message...

You're so beautiful ♡

Christine had a concerned look on her face and Ali leaned in to read it and her eyes widened. "Blair...!!" She looked at Ali and shook her head. "It's not my imaginary boyfriend..." she said to her. "Oh" Ali looked out the window but then she turned back to them both. "Do you have a boyfriend, Christine?" Ali asked her. "Mhm!" "Is he cute?" "More than cute" "what's his phone number?" "Um...-" "do you know his shoe size?" "Ali, stop it!" Blair said to her. "What?? I just wanna know if she was able to pull anyone unlike you!" Blair glared at her.

"I'm sorry about that" Blair said to Christine. "Oh, it's alright" she laughed nervously. "Yeah- Ali, enough with the boyfriend stuff or else you won't ever get one in the future" their mom said as she looked at her through the review mirror. "Okay, fine," Ali rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

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