25. Odd Looks Strange

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With Christine

Christine was in the kitchen making a late night snack while her mother was at her night shift. She finished making her snack and she walked up the stairs to her room with it. She went into her room and closed the door and as soon as she got in there, her telephone rang. She put her snack on her bed and answered the telephone. "Ya?" No one answered. "Hello?" Not a single sound. She sighed and put the telephone back, telemarketers. She took a bite of her snack but then the telephone rang again and she rolled her eyes and answered it. "Hello??" The same silence.

"If you're not gonna say anything, I'm gonna have to hang up, dude" she said. That's when she started to hear heavy breathing. She furrowed her eyebrows and hung up. She walked over to her closet to pick out clothes for tomorrow but then the telephone rang again and she groaned and stormed over to it. "Talk, damnit!" That was until a massive rock came crashing through her window almost hitting her but she quickly backed away. A person in a skull mask and baggy skeleton costume then appeared in front of her window and she saw them and her eyes widened big time and they jumped into her room making her scream and run towards her door but they grabbed her by the back of her shirt pulling her back.

She fell to the ground and smacked her head off the ground. She held her head in pain and started crying and the person grabbed Christine by her ponytail and started dragging her over to the window and she struggled to escape due to their grip, so she sat up a little and bit their hand making them quickly release her and she got up and ran back over to her door and opened and ran full speed out of her room. The person ran out after her and kicked her on the back making her scream and fall at the top of the stairs. She cried more and the person grabbed Christine by both of her feet and began dragging her down the stairs and she screamed loudly.

"STOP! PLEASE!" She cried. They pulled out their bread slicer knife and was about to stab her but she kicked them in their balls making them grunt and fall over holding their balls in pain. Christine got up and raced out her house and went across the street to a neighbors house and started banging on their door and spamming their doorbell. "HELP ME! PLEASE! LET ME IN!" She screamed.


Officer Lou got out of the police car with another cop and saw Christine sitting on her neighbors front porch step while other cops were inside of her house looking around. Officer Lou recognized Christine the most because she was always around Blair. He walked up to her and she saw him and quickly stood up. "What the hell happened?" He asked her. "I-I don't know...it all happened so fast, I just ran out of my house and-...and I don't know!" She said as she cried more. "Did you see what they looked like?" Officer Lou asked. "Like, a skull mask and some sort of skeleton costume and they were armed with a knife, but it wasn't a butter knife or ones that you use to cut up, it was like long...-"

"A bread slicer knife..." she looked at him before nodding. He wrote down the details that Christine had just explained. He then remembered Ian and Jennifer, he also knows that they're friends with Christine because he's seen them around eachother. "Listen, kiddo, um...now's not the best moment to tell you this, but..." he sat next to her and it felt like things were going in slow motion once again. In moments, Christine's face was no longer in horror, it was now in shock and sadness and her eyes widened and she layed her face in her hands and cried more.

Things just now have fallen apart in less than five seconds. Officer Lou had his arm wrapped around her neck to comfort her as she cried. Officer Lou knew who he had to go to next to share the news to, Blair and Seth. "Can I please see Blair...?" Christine asked as she proceeded to cry. Officer Lou's face turned to worry, he also needed to tell Christine that Blair just lost her sister. "I don't know..." "what, why...?" Officer Lou took a deep breath to kick his emotions out. "Blair's not...feeling her best right now..." he replied to her. Christine paused, "she's okay though, right...?" "She's okay, it's just...she lost someone. Her little sister just left her too early..." Christine's eyes widened and more tears came rolling down her cheeks as her heart broke for Blair.

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