23. Unfortunate Street

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4th Period, 10 Minutes Until It Ends

Officer Lou came back in the office and Blair looked up at him. "Come on, kiddo" he said to her. She got up and followed him out the office to go to 4th period. Once they got to the gym door, Blair looked at Officer Lou nervously. "He knows. He knows that I'm driven home from school by you and he's not seen, and you're not concerned?" She asked him with fear in her tone. "I am very much so aware and I'm scared but not as scared as you, hun. But don't worry, I explained to your mother about this morning and she's not mad" he replied. Blair smiled a little, "thank you, Officer Lou. But no matter what, she's gonna always be the mad woman she is" she said to him.

"That just means that she's one hell of a mother, hun, you've gotta accept that at some point" he said back as he added a sigh at the end. "I've always accepted that, it just...constantly gets to me because then I feel like a trash of a daughter...-" "hey, hey, hey, hey. Puttin' words in your mouth is like reading the worst dictionary in the entire world...don't throw yourself like that, kid, you're only 17. And as for your mother, she loves you and she'd do anything to protect you against something like this" he explained. Blair just sighed, she did process all of that the right way but still had no idea why he wouldn't listen.

She hated when she was cut off and wasn't able to have much of a say in what she wanted to stand. "I guess you're right," she sighed. He gave her a small smile, "remember, you meet me at the lobby after class, okay?" He made her.

She nodded, "I will" she said before walking into the gym. Christine saw her and her eyes widened before she ran over to her. "Where the hell were you after 2nd and 3rd period?! Seth said that he tried looking for you but you were nowhere around!" Christine said to her. "Christine, another photo came in during 2nd period!" She replied making Christine's eyes widen more. "Shit...what was it?!" She asked as her and Blair both started jogging around the gym with everyone else. "From when Officer Lou drove me to school this morning" Blair replied. Christine's heart started racing and she began to feel scared.

"Blair, you've got to start looking around!" Christine said to her. "I've tried and it feels like that the person who's doing this is trying to switch hiding spots whenever they hear me coming closer, like a cold and hot game!" Blair said back. Christine and Blair stopped running and sat down on the bleachers. "You atleast told Officer Lou, right?" "Yes, that's why I was late to class" Blair replied. Christine layed her face in her hands feeling anxious. "We've gotta stay together. And I'm not meaning just like a whole group...like, we need to make sure that nothing's gonna happen to you, me, Seth, Jennifer, and Ian" Christine said.

"I'm completely aware and it's only stressing me out more" Blair said back as she sighed. "Wanna get a drink of water to calm us down?" Christine asked her. "Yeah," Blair replied and they both got up and walked over to Miss Jaime. "Miss Jaime?" Christine said. She looked at them both, "oh, hey, Blair, so nice of you to join us" she said with a smile. "What is it?" She turned to Christine. "We were just wondering if we could both get a drink of water out in the hall?" Christine asked her. Miss Jaime sighed in annoyance, "yes, but please be quick, class ends in 5 minutes" she replied.

Blair and Christine turned around and began walking out of the gym. "I barley even drink the school's water fountain, it taste like sink water" Christine said to Blair. "That's gross" Blair said back. Blair's mind then went to the fact that she hit Danielle a bit earlier and she looked at Christine as she leaned over to get a drink of water. What would happen if I tell her that I hit Danielle? Maybe Christine's the one who wanted to beat her ass first, not me. Blair took a deep breath and just decided to not say anything. After Christine was done drinking the water, Blair took the chance to drink some next.

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