13. Harsh Much

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1st Period

Blair was sitting with Christine and Seth for group work time. "I seriously can't fucking figure this out...!" Christine slammed her pencil down on the desk. "There's a poster behind you showing examples," Blair pointed. "That shit doesn't help. Seth?" He grabbed the paper and looked at it. "You seriously don't understand this?" He raised his eyebrows at her, "this is probably the easiest question" he said. "Well then, smart guy, have you given Blair a chance to look at it? Maybe she won't understand it either," Christine smiled at him. He just shrugged with a smirk and looked at Blair.

"You think you can do this, Lawson?" He asked her with a sly smirk. "Hm, let's see," he handed her the paper and she looked at it. She then gave Christine a "are you for real?" look making Seth chuckle and he looked at Christine with a "told ya" look. She just scoffed, "you think that you two can invent three words?" Christine asked. "I need help!" She said as she slammed her hands down on the desk making Blair laugh. "I mean, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it well but I can tell you about it" Blair said to her.

"That's bullshit! You-" "Did I just hear that right?!" Mr. Shaffle yelled to the class after he heard a curse word. Christine's eyes widened and she quickly layed her head down. Blair and Seth looked at eachother with "oh, shit" looks. Mr. Shaffle crossed his arms, "to everyone in this classroom who thinks that dropping inappropriate words is fair enough since you're now grown men and women...well, guess what? NOT IN HERE!" He yelled. "Get back to work..." He added. Christine slowly lifted her head up, "jeez, maybe lower down on the curse words?" Blair recommended.

"No way, he doesn't scare me" Christine said. "You're not scared of a teacher?" Seth said. "Hell no, if he was my mom, then yes, I would" "is there anything else that scares you besides your mother?" Seth asked. "Hm, no" she replied with a smile. "Blair, what are you scared of?" Seth asked her. "Um, well...nothing really scares me" she replied. Christine gave her a look of "do you remember those photos?" Blair gave her the eyes telling her to be quiet and she cleared her throat and looked down. "Really?" Seth raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, I'm just not really a frightened person" she replied.

Seth nodded his head as he eyed her.

After Class

Blair, Christine, and Seth walked out of the classroom. "Oh, God, there's miss skank with rusty bitch" Christine said. Blair turned her head to the right snd saw Julie and Danielle. Danielle looked upset and Blaire knew right away it was about Brittany and Julie just looked confused and scared. "Just leave her be, it's alright, she doesn't scare us" Blair said. "You mean after what she and her dog did to you yesterday?!" Christine turned to Blair. Blair put her finger up to her nose signaling for her to be quiet because Seth was right there.

"Wait, what did she do to you?" Seth asked Blair. "Oh, it's nothing important-" "this bullshit!" She was about to lift up Blair's shirt again but Blair smacked her arm. "Christine!" Seth just stared at the both of them and his eyes shifted over to Blair's who shook her head at him to not worry about it. He looked at Christine who gave Blair a stubborn look. "You should probably get going" Christine told Seth. He slowly nodded and he kissed her before looking at Blair with a look of concern. "Alright. Later, I guess" he waved them off.

Blair went to her locker and Christine followed her. "Why didn't you wanna show him the mark?!" Christine asked her. "Because I don't wanna cause any more problems!" Blair replied. "You mean the mark that was given to you well deserved?" Blair and Christine turned and saw Julie and Danielle. Shit. "Oh, look, it's the dirty bitch and one of her puppies, sorry that you lost one last night, must've been a shame, mom" Christine said to her as she smirked and crossed her arms. Blair's eyes widened at what she just said. "Chrissi!-" "you know I can report your ass down to the office and same goes for you, new girl...oh! Which reminds me, you haven't even taken' me out of detention yet" Danielle said to Blair as she stepped closer.

"I shouldn't have to do that!" Blair said back. "Yes, you do! Or maybe you're just a pussy to admit that you were the one who took Brittany's life away!" Blair's eyes widened and Christine pushed her aggressively. "The fuck is your problem, bitch?!" Some people stopped to watch. "Look who's standing up now!!" Danielle said with a laugh. "Let me see your bitch talk then! Go on, Julie, talk, you little fuckin' lap dog!" Christine turned to Julie whose eyes widened and she stepped back. "I don't wanna be apart of this...-" "oh, sure you do! I thought you enjoyed kissing Danielle's ass!" Christine said to her.

"Bet it right up!" Jennifer came over. Julie looked at Blair scaredly and Blair looked at her, too. "Oh, look at this, looks like you're alone, Blair" Danielle smirked at her. "Actually, three" Jennifer said as she grabbed Blair and stood her by her and Christine both. "Just admit that you're a dumb weak bitch without one of your clones" Christine said to Danielle. "Says who? You think you're a tough girl because of what you did to Julie last year?" "Come on then, bitch!" Jennifer yelled. "Yeah!! Throw Julie in the match!!" Christine yelled next with a bitchy smile.

"HEY!" Mr. Davis who's the history teacher came running out or his classroom. The girls looked at him. "What is going on here?!" He yelled. "Those three girls were trying to hurt us!!" Danielle pointed at Blair, Jenn, and Christine. "OKAY, LISTEN, YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH!" "YOU'RE JUST MAD THAT YOU'LL NEVER GET TO SUCCESS BECAUSE YOU'RE A LITTLE DELUSIONAL BITCH!" "WE DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH YOU!" Blair, Jenn, and Christine said at the same time. "ALRIGHT!" Mr. Davis yelled making them stop talking. "Blair, Jennifer, and Christine, you three girls have earned yourselves a Friday detention!! Today is not your day!!" Mr. Davis yelled.

"WHAT?! But it wasn't even our fault!!-" "Miss Harper, I don't wanna hear another word come out from your mouth!!" He yelled. "She's right though!!" Blair yelled next. "LAWSON!" He yelled. Jennifer rolled her eyes at him. "Class. NOW!" He yelled before walking away and went into his classroom. The three girls looked at Danielle and Julie. "And this is exactly why you never manage to pull anyone, you and your fuck toy Brittany both can go suck invisible dicks!" Christine said towards Danielle before flipping her off in her face and walked away with Jenn and Blair following behind her.

Danielle just stood there extremely pissed off and Julie looked shocked and scared after what happened. Danielle then turned to Julie who quickly looked at her nervously and Danielle grabbed Julie by her ear making her gasp in surprise and moan in pain. "The next time shit like this happens, you butt your ass right in before it I kick it next time, you understand, Anderson?!" She whisper yelled in her ear. Julie moaned in pain as Danielle gripped onto her ear more and quickly nodded making Danielle's grip loosen. Danielle just stormed away from her. "I can't fucking do this anymore, dude" Julie cried in a low whisper.

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