12. Southwell's First Crime

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Blair walked out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth and she saw Ali sitting on the couch watching television. Blair walked past the TV until she heard a familiar name.

"Brittany Collins, a student and a senior at Southwell High School, was found murdered at her home in her backyard on a fence. The living room and Collins's bedroom was destroyed in the crime..."

Blair's eyes widened and she froze and stood there. "Ali, turn it up," Ali grabbed the remote and turned it up more.

"No evidence was found inside the house, finger prints weren't found either..police say that this was no accident and as a matter of fact, it is in that case...a murder"

Blair shut off the television. "Going to school isn't a good idea" Ali said as she got up from the couch. "I'm completely aware and you're absolutely right, but I'm telling you right now with two reasons, mom is gonna end up making me go and I need to check up on my friends to see if they're alright" Blair said back. "How would you know? Someone from your school just died!" Ali said. "Where's mom?" "She's actually outside in the car waiting for us and I was waiting for you, slow poke" Ali replied.

Blair hurried outside with Ali behind her. They both got in, "why do you look so wound up?" Her mother asked. "I'm not, I-" "because someone from her school was murdered last night" Ali answered for her. "What?!" Her mom looked at Blair. "I wasn't aware until just now, I swear!" Blair said. "I don't care about that, someone from your school was murdered?!" "Yes, mom!" Her mom looked down feeling sorry. "This is bad" "Which is why she shouldn't go to school!" Ali said next. "Oh, no. You are NOT missing school!" Blair's eyes widened and she furrowed she looked at her. "Mom!-" "at your old school, you missed so many days of school that I don't even know how you didn't get expelled!" Her mom said.

"Mom! Someone near us was murdered!" "I know that, Blair, but you're not gonna turn this year into last year!" "So you're just gonna let her get murdered?!" Ali said. "Oh, Ali, stop talking, alright?!" "Ali's right though!-" "ENOUGH! If I hear anything else come out from your guy's mouth, then I'll ground you two, understand?!" Blair turned to Ali and Ali gave her a concerned look. Her mother turned on the radio

"Family members are mourning the death of Brittany Collins, a student at Southwell High. She was found murdered at her home last night-"

Blair's mom turned the radio to music. Brittany's dead...Blair couldn't believe it. Once they were at the school, Blair saw cop cars and some caution tape and there was 1 news reporter. Blair got out and she saw Jennifer and Ian walking towards the school. She sprinted over to them, "guys!" They saw her, "Blair, did you hear about what happened?!" "Yeah, it's all over the news and radio!" She replied. "Imagine if the person is masked, just IMAGINE!" Ian said. "Of course, that's what all killers do, hide their faces because they're afraid of witnesses or fingerprint" Jenn said.

"Well, they have to or else their killing spree won't last that long" Blair said back. "Yeah, I bet you that they were masked" Ian said. "Have you guys seen Christine or Seth?" Blair asked them. "Christine takes her good old time to get to school and Seth, I have no idea" Ian replied. "Christine has shit she has to do in the morning, don't blame her" Jenn said to him. "Anyway, I still can't believe that happened!" Jenn added. "Me neither!" Blair said. "I feel like they would've popped out from somewhere and just sliced her" Ian joked.

"Okay, your jokes aren't helping this whole bullshit scenario" Jenn said. "Alright, dang, but Blair, how many times have you heard it on the radio?" He asked her. "Once but that was before I came here" she replied. "Hey!" The 3 of them turned around and saw Christine and Seth. They ran up to them two, "did you guys hear?!" "yeah, it's almost like it's schoolwide!" Blair replied to Christine. They then turned their heads when they heard a news reporter.

"It's Wednesday morning at Southwell High School for the school board but the students, teachers, and staffs are all mourning the death of another student who was brutally murdered last night in her own home...-"

"It's about to go worldwide" Seth said. "My God..." Jenn and Blair looked at eachother. The 5 of them started walking inside the school. Blair wondered if Danielle and Julie were gonna be here today. They walked past Brittany's locker and saw flowers, notes, and other nice stuff. "Wow. People really cared" Ian said. "Who honestly wouldn't of? She's accordingly "hot" and "nice" to people" Christine said as she rolled her eyes. "Shit, I'm having a girl code, I'll see you guys later" Jenn said as she grabbed something out of her backpack and ran down the hall and into the bathroom. "Too much information" Seth said.

"Atleast she told us where she was going, some people get accused of things like this" Ian said. "I was just saying it was too much information, she could've just said she was gonna use the restroom instead of sharing why she needed to go" Seth said back. "Okay, who cares, guys!" Blair said. "Seriously! You two have been on about what eachother have been saying all week! Just drop whatever the deal is!" Christine said next. Seth squinted his eyes at Ian who raised an eyebrow at him.

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