1 - Lia

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A flash. A man stepped out of the shadows. He's done it. He's killed them all.

I was sat down behind a group of adults, before I stood up weakly and scowled at the man.

"That... that was wrong." I said. "That's wicked. You're evil."

The man looked to me, frowning. He walked over to me, whipping out his wand. I looked at the wand, scared.

"You dare to challenge me?" He said menacingly. I shook my head in fear. "You dare to call me wicked, sinful, evil? You know what that means..."

"No... please, no..." The man stepped further towards me, smiling. 

"No, please, I'm sorry!"

"CRUCIO!" I screamed in pain, collapsing back to the ground. The cruciatus curse was at its strongest, the strongest it had been for an eternity for me, and it seemed to hurt excruciatingly near to my right arm, which terrified me and gave me th opposite of hope and comfort. It held for a minute or so, then the man and his followers walked away. I layed on the ground, hurting, bleeding.

Another man, who had clearly been watching from the bushes, stepped out and held his hand out to me.

"Follow me."

"Who are you?" I asked nervously and sceptically, scared to trust. 

"Follow. Hurry, we don't have long. Come on, you have to trust me, it's not safe here."

The man seemed to be very flustered and rather stuttery and almost nervous himself. I nodded and took the man's hand. I looked back to where I had just been laying, seeing a large pool of blood. I followed the man, terrified, away from where I had just been tortured, wondering who he was and why he was rescuing me.

"My name is Newt. Newt Scamander. Well, technically, Newton Scamander. But you can just call me Newt, if you want." I looked to Newt, speechless, unable to speak. Newt looked back to me. "What's your name?"

I looked back at Newt, still terrified and shaken. Newt stopped and bent down, looking into my eyes.

"I promise I won't hurt you like that man did." I paused, just looking into Newt's eyes. I hadn't met anyone like him. He was strange, unfamiliar... but I liked him. His voice was soft, and calm. It was soothing. His eyes were a calm pale blue that just seemed to speak kindness and peace. His nature was very much unlike my daddy's... he seemed like someone I could actually trust...

"Lia." I said weakly.

My eyes widened. I collapsed. Newt caught me, looking to where my arm had been badly cut, which was what had caused all the blood and extra pain, and carried me out of the place where I had been held prisoner for so many years...

"Lia! Come on, Lia, we need to get going to Hogwarts!"

I sat up in my bed suddenly, excited.

"Hogwarts?" I exclaimed energetically. Newt walked into the room.

"Yes, now, come on, get dressed!" I got out of bed and Newt walked out, calling after him: "Breakfast will be downstairs when you're ready!"

I had been looking forward to going to 'the best wizarding school in the world', as Newt kept reminding me. I put on my favourite dress, tights, and cardigan, before rushing downstairs for breakfast. Newt looked up and saw my outfit.

"Lovely." He said, smiling. I smiled too.

"Thank you, Newt!" I sat down with some bread and butter, and a small glass of milk. Newt put down his suitcase, and walked down it briefly, before heading back up it with a small, green, leaflike creature. I looked at it, intrigued.

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