14 - Credence

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We hurried up the ladder of the case, all of us obviously worried. We ended up on top of a building, in front of a sign, reading "Squire's". We watched as an Obscurus wrecked the city, growing stronger by the second. 

"Jeez. Is that the Obscuriathing?" Jacob asked, scared and unprotected.

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I've ever heard of." Newt turned to Tina, handing him his case and his book. Wait, what was he doing?

"If I don't come back, look after my creatures. Everything you need to know is in there."

"What?" Tina said, taking the case and book, looking confused.

"They're not killing it." No way. No way was he doing this... He looked at me. I shook my head. No. Not Newt! Newt sighed, then jumped down from the building. I followed suite and grabbed his hand and we both disapparated away.

"Lia!" Newt exclaimed, shocked.

"I had to! I won't let you die for it!" I replied, touching my dragon necklace. Newt sighed.

"I want you to-" He started sternly, before he was cut off.

"To survive so long, with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle." Newt and I heard Mr. Graves say from nearby. "Come with me. Think what we could achieve together." Okay, that definitely wasn't the attitude of a loyal member of MACUSA.

The Obscurus lashed out, attacking Mr. Graves. Newt grabbed my hand and ran behind a muggle car. We saw Tina hiding behind a car next to us.

"Newt!" She called. Newt and I looked to her.

"It's the Second Salem boy. He's the Obscurial!" He called back, holding me back from running into the scene, which is kind of what I wanted to do at that moment. Wait, who was the Second Salem boy?

"He's not a child!"

"His power must be so strong, he s-somehow managed to survive." 

"Newt." Newt turned back to Tina, who stared at him dead in the eyes. "Save him."

Tina ran off, leaving Newt and I. We looked at each other. Newt sighed, slightly frustrated. I hated seeing him upset at me, but I was going to protect him no matter what. I owed him everything, after all.

"Follow me." He said, standing up, holding my hand and apparating away.

Newt and I appeared on a rooftop, Newt having apparated there.

"Hold my hand, no matter what." He said seriously to me. I nodded, understanding. Newt turned to the Obscurus. "Credence! Credence, I can help you!" The Obscurial turned to Newt and I, throwing himself at us. Newt apparated away, squeezing my hand.

Newt ran across rooftops, holding my hand tight as he disapparated between them. We made it to a rooftop with a smaller outbuilding on top, and we leant against it, exhausted. Newt sighed.

"Why did you follow me?" Newt asked, turning his head to look at me.

"I'm sorry, I was worried about you..." I replied, feeling sick after Apparating so much.

"Stay with me at all times, you understand?" He said. I nodded. "And follow all my instructions as I give them." I nodded again, scared. We turned around to watch the Obscurial kill members of the muggle police as they shot at him, destroying buildings as he went.

"Why is he doing this? The Obscurus?" I asked quietly.

"I... don't know. He's suffered a lot." Newt replied, watching as the Obscurial slammed himself onto the ground, transforming back into a boy. So that was who Newt and Tina were talking about... The boy walked down into the City Hall Station. Newt sighed.

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