10 - Captured

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"What do we do now, exactly?" Jacob asked, concerned. Newt looked at him, unsure.


"If you have no plan, it's over..." Jacob said, moving to sit in the same seat as he did the first time he entered the case. 

I was panicking. What was possibly going to happen to us? To Jacob? To Newt, to my father? To me? I nervously looked out to the many enclosures as I thought also of the creatures, and all I could do at this current moment was look and panic and think and hope, even if I couldn't find any. 'Someone's locked us in this case... we don't have much food to go around... we're all of us going to die... the creatures too...' I jolted suddenly as Newt laid a hand on my shoulder. The only comfort I could get at this moment in time.

"Lia..." He said. I looked at him, trying to smile, but was unable to. I let my mind collapse from the strain of upset, nervousness and pure fear. I wandered out into the enclosures without thinking of what Newt or Jacob would think, letting tears fall from my already damp eyes.

I ran through the enclosures wildly, before reaching a place where I could sit and think (and cry). I sat down in one of the empty enclosures and looked out to the poor creatures.

'We're going to die...' I thought to myself, absolutely petrified. I stood up hurriedly but nervously as I heard Newt running through the enclosures, calling my name. Would he tell me off if I tried to run away again? Probably. I rushed out of the enclosure, locking it shakily but securely behind me, before I ran to the comfort of Newt, who caught my drenched eyes and hugged me tightly as I reached him.

"What if they take me away from you?" I asked, my voice cracking and my tears seeping onto Newt's waistcoat. 

Newt sighed. "I won't let them, Lia. You're the closest person to me. I won't let you suffer like this."

"Promise?" I asked, breaking away from the hug and looking hopefully, but terrified, into his calm gemstones and gentle oceans for eyes. I couldn't help but smile a little at his calmness, and his clear acceptance for my safety.

"Promise." Newt stated securely, smiling back. He turned to Teddy, who had jumped down from his tree to grab a coin from the ground. Newt picked Teddy up, who tried to escape, and put him back in his tree. I giggled a little. Teddy was naughty and funny at the best of times, and could always cheer me up in stressful or upsetting situations!

I felt a small tug at my coat. I looked down to see him swinging from my pocket, having almost fallen out.

"Hello, Ari." I said. Ari chirped back to me affectionately. I picked Ari up gently and put him back in my pocket whilst Newt chuckled.

"He's just like Pickett..." He said, smiling at me.

I nodded my agreement whilst grinning a little. "That's Ari for you!"

A knock came from above the case. Newt and I looked to each other, before rushing back to Newt's cabin, where Jacob was looking up at the top of the ladder, confused. Newt rushed up the ladder.

"Stay there." He ordered to me. "Follow me, Jacob." Jacob obeyed, and I did too, sighing... dreading. I sat down where Jacob had just sat, waiting... waiting for something to happen... I lifted my head cautiously as I heard a conversation start.

"Scamander?" A voice said. I immediately recognised him as the British Minister's. That both comforted and scared me. On one hand, the Minister was nice, he was kind. On the other hand... where were we that meant the British Minister for Magic had been summoned to New York?

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