7 - The case

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"Come on." Newt said, beckoning Frank, our thunderbird, down. He had his wand raised as an umbrella, protecting him from the thunderbird's storm. 

"Come on. Down you come. Come on." Frank slowly flew down, and the storm calmed down too. Frank landed on a large rock, the place where he could perch when he wanted to. Newt smiled.

"Thank Paracelsus." He said, stroking Frank's beak. "If you'd have got out, that could have been quite catastrophic."

He turned to Mr. Kowalski, who just stared, bewildered and amazed. I laughed at his expression. I remembered coming down here the first time too, and I had pretty much the same expression on my face! "You see, he's the real reason we came to America." Newt turned back to Frank. "To bring Frank home."

Mr. Kowalski slowly moved forward. Frank screeched, scared. I pulled him back, trying to be gentle.

"No, sorry, stay there, he's a wee bit sensitive to strangers." Newt said, calming Frank down again. "Here you are, here you are. He was trafficked, you see. We found him in Egypt, he was all chained up. Couldn't leave him there, had to bring him back. We're going to put you back where you belong, aren't we, Frank?"

"Back?" Mr. Kowalski asked, still staring at the magnificent creature.

"He's not in his normal habitat yet." I explained. "Newt and I are looking after him, until we get him back to his true home."

"And where's that?" Mr. Kowalski asked.

"The wilds of Arizona..." Newt said, smiling. I smiled too, happy to see Newt so excited and happy. Newt threw some food high into the air, for Frank to catch, and Frank flew up and caught the food. Newt and I looked at each other, smiling, both of us happy. Newt turned to another section of the case and called out. He ran down the steps that lead to Frank, calling again.

"Lia, could you... the Griffin and the Kneazles..." Newt said to me, pointing in two directions.

"Oh, yes, they need feeding now." I ran back into the cabin, grabbing a small handful of food from a jar, and a bucket of raw meat. I ran through the case, careful of any stray creatures. I soon reached five Kneazles, in their designated area, and they walked over to me eagerly as I approached them.

"Alright, alright, you five!" I threw in the handfuls of pellets, and the Kneazles rushed over, fighting for the food. I smiled, before I noticed a small scratch on one of the Kneazles' face. I ran over to it to inspect it.

"Okay, which one of you scratched Lilith?" I turned to the other Kneazles, who were still busy eating. I tilted my head at them, before re-focusing on the hurt Kneazle. 

"Alright, Lilith. Stay there, I'll run and get something to heal that up." I said, running out of the area, closing the gate to the enclosure behind me, and back to the cabin.

"Kneazle powder..." I muttered, before finding it, a small jar of white powder. I took the small jar and some water and ran back over to the Kneazles, who had, by that time, finished eating. I ran to Lilith, who was sat under a tree in the middle of the enclosure, and took a pinch of the powder and mixed it with some water, before applying the mixture to the hurt Kneazle, who whined quietly.

"There, there... I've got you... I've got you..." I stood up again once I was satisfied that she would be okay, before I rushed out of the Kneazles' enclosure, locking the gate behind me. I then ran over to the Griffin, who was supposed to be in another enclosure. I ran in and looked around for the Griffin in the small mountain-like habitat where the Griffin was kept. I soon noticed that he was missing. I panicked. Where did it go? Had it escaped? But then, I saw him in the Erumpent habitat, of which the Erumpent was absent.

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