A new addition to the family

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Harry, Narcissa and the aurors stood in front of Malfoy manor. It was quiet, too quiet for Harry's liking.

"Something is wrong. I had assumed You-know-who would send his remaining Death Eaters the moment we would arrive. Or do you think Ginny had already gave birth and he had..."

"No" Harry interrupted before Amelia could finish the sentence.

"What is it Harry? Can you feel something?", asked Narcissa.

"I'm not sure, but my instincts are screaming at me to run."

"Run? What do you mean? I hadn't thought you fear the Dark Lord."

"I don't fear the Dark Lord, Roberts. But whatever is in the manor is far more powerful as Voldie."

Suddenly, the door entrance door was opened and someone stumbled out of the manor, clearly in panic, because the figure screamed and was scratching his face.

"Please, help me. Something is inside me. Take it out." Before the woman could reach them, she fell to the ground and everyone could only watch how her body twitched while her skin dissolved slowly.

"By Lady Magic. What's happening?", whispered one of the aurors.

"Stay back." Seconds later, only bones were left and they watched in horror how a black mist retreated from the leftover back to the house.

"By Merlin. What was that?"

"I fear we won't like the answer. I have the feeling whatever it is, is also responsible for the disappearing of the wixen in the past couple of months.", assumed Harry.

"Do you think it's what happened to Molly?", asked Amelia.

"Depends." Harry's attention was back on the mansion. Two figures emerged from the roof, seeming to be in a fight.

"Is that...a dragon?"

"It looks like one, but what is that other thing? I had never seen something like this, but somehow it reminds me..."

"Demon.", snarled Harry.

"Holy shit. Please don't tell me we have to face another one."

"I fear we won't have a chance against this one.", replied Harry honestly.

"What should we do?"

"Stay here. I'll go inside and look for Ginny."

"I won't let you go alone.", interrupted Narcissa, looking determined at Harry.

"We will check the surroundings. Maybe we find someone still alive and in need of help, though I have the feeling there is no one left.", muttered Amelia lowly at the end.

Harry heard her nonetheless and couldn't disagree. He shuddered by the thought of Ginny and the unborn, more concerned for the last as for the mother but still, even Ginny doesn't deserved such a cruel death.

"Harry, I'm not sure if somebody had told you, but Bellatrix. Bella is the spy. Regulus had told us about the Horcruxes and when he died, we swore revenge. But after the first war, Bellatrix was send to Azkaban and I had Draco to look after."

"You don't need to defend yourself, though I'm truly astonished that it's your sister, who gave us all this information. I assume she isn't as mad as everyone think then?"

"No.", snickered Narcissa, relieved that Harry seemed to accept this new piece of puzzle. However, she was worried, after all her sister could be already dead.


Inside of the mansion, chaos greeted them. Bones laid everywhere and both had the sinking feeling of someone being still alive. However, keeping one ear to the fight outside they began searching.

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